Title: Puppet Show Pairing: Yamapi/Koyama Rating: PG Summary: AU (anti-cyberpunk?). Koyama isn’t nearly pragmatic enough for what he’s doing. Notes: Many thanks to my beta!
So I love this song. And I love this fic. Which is probably no surprise to anyone considering the pairing and the premise. XD I LOVE what you did with the MV, changing it into an interesting sci fi future that I think you did really well working into the fic without being awkward about it.
Of course they are, Koyama thinks. Aside from Shige (who isn’t an actual member of the band but needed to be present), none rely on TEC to aid their music.
“It’s because they’re not perfect,” Koyama agrees, then winces.
Massu’s level of passion is something of a faux pas, these days I think this bit is what really did it for me, though. Neatly showing how passion and creativity in this world have been relegated to the backseat, pushing predictability and efficiency to the forefront of things deemed important, without forcing the idea.
And then of course the quiet, unsure feeling to the KoyaPi. <3
So I continue to be amazed at how creative people are in writing sci-fi AU fics, and this one is no exception. Loved the premise, loved the pacing and gradual elaboration of the whole universe -- telling just enough for us to be intrigued. Loved the KoyaPi, of course. <3 Thank you!
Comments 9
Of course they are, Koyama thinks. Aside from Shige (who isn’t an actual member of the band but needed to be present), none rely on TEC to aid their music.
“It’s because they’re not perfect,” Koyama agrees, then winces.
Massu’s level of passion is something of a faux pas, these days
I think this bit is what really did it for me, though. Neatly showing how passion and creativity in this world have been relegated to the backseat, pushing predictability and efficiency to the forefront of things deemed important, without forcing the idea.
And then of course the quiet, unsure feeling to the KoyaPi. <3
I loved it. Thank you!
Thanks for reading!
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