Today is a day of momentous occasion! If you're just tuning in, today is my Two Year Anniversary of Podfic. Two whole years of reading fanfic into my laptop's built-in mic. Two years of discovering new fandoms and appreciating old ones. Two years of learning fancy tricks for GarageBand, and less fancy tricks for PowerPoint. It's been a long road, and it's amazing how many truly wonderful people I've met along the way.
Tonight's also the night I post my......drum roll please..... 400th podfic. Wooohooo! Celebrate with me, folks - it's a pretty huge milestone ^______^ (I'll have a post with stats from the past year up in the next few days - things like how many podfics I made this year, how many hours I recorded, how frequently you can expect to hear me earworming you.... It'll be full of sparkle text.)
So. The podfic of the evening... the podfic that's awesome enough to bear the load of all this excitement and anticipation.... is a repod.
That's right -
ladyfoxxx's fantastically hilarious My Chemical Romance not!fic,
The Sk8er Boi AU, is such an awesome universe that both myself and
argentumlupine have recorded versions for your listening pleasure. Check out
argentumlupine's version
over here, and don't forget to coo over both her gorgeous voice and
quintenttsy's beautiful coverart.
And why should you listen in? Because The Sk8er Boi AU is, at its heart, a story of forbidden love: Frank's love for Punk bands in the face of his Classical Music peers, and his love for a boy from The Other Side Of The Tracks (Gerard, of course). There's mystery and subterfuge, wacky hijinks and stealthy clothing changes, angst and forgiveness and safety-pins and prep school uniforms. Complete with Avril Lavigne's song of the
same name as Intro/Outro music - because, really, what other song could I possibly have used? - this is twenty minutes of your life you'll wish you could repeat again and again. (And you can! It's called the 'repeat track' button in iTunes.)
You can download this podfic as an mp3
over here (thank you,
paraka, for hosting me! Though, I'm pretty sure I'm still missing a few of my podfics over at your site....), or you can stream the story by clicking below:
***Because this podfic is a repod, I shall be using it to fill the "repod a podfic" square on my
podfic_bingo card.***