WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE WAS THAT????? I mean, it probably took me about 1h and a half, because stupid Wisevid wasn't loading properly... Yeah, but anyways!
I LOVE ELEVEN! I LOVE AMY! I LOVE RORY! I LOVE RIVER!!! I LOVE AMELIA! (And yes, I love Daleks! - Haters to the left. I do cheer for them, even though they suck. Mind your own business, I'm german and I hate german football player, but love the British players. What do you expect? I have a twisted mind. I got the time travel bit immediately ^^)
Little Amelia was so adorable. Just when they showed her house in the beginning. I nearly had to cry. God, so breathtakingly beautiful.
Rory, YOU FREAKING WAITED 2000 Years! WOAH! You are made out of plastic. Just like in Futurama yesterday - except that they were robots. ^^ Am I the only person wondering, how they are supposed to get some children?
River. Thanks for destroying the Fez. God, so ugly. And I'm so curious what is going to happen between the two of them. (Yeah, first of I think I have to watch the old doctors now - beginning with River's Storyline ^^) And I want a time travel thingy, too? Please?
Daleks. Yeah. I still like them! And who put their DNA in the Pandorica? Did they actually answered that one, and I overheard it? Or did they left this one out?
Amy. AMY. A M Y ! You have parents! Real life parents! Awwwww! Wheeeee!!! And in the beginning I kinda knew, that it was her in the Pandorica. ^^
God... This girl almost made me cry, whenever I had to see her. Really. In the beginning, watching the Video about Rory guarding her. Seeing Rory. Seeing the Doctor. Having to say goodbye to the Doctor. Having fallen asleep in her garden (yeah, little Amy - so adorable!) And of course REMEMBERING the Doctor. Awwwwww
Doctor. Wow! What a mastermind.
"I have a future". Yeah, of about 20 minutes :D Go you! LOOL!
"I hate rewinds." Who doesn't? And awwww!!!! What a beautiful speech he gave to little Amy.
"Hello everyone. I'm Amy's imaginary friend." - Live and in color! :D
Doctor dancing! Yeah! :D Just as awesome as Bender's dancing yesterday (And why am I always refering to Futurama, when it comes down to Doctor Who? Oh yeah, it's similiar :D) But I wished the Doctor and Amy would have danced. Or the Doctor and River. At least one of them ^^
And Rory & Amy are definitely OTP. How could I ever have questioned that?
Can't it be Christmas already?