It is funny to think how much I miss everybody already. It is nice to know that I can roam though my phone and call anybody and know that they are in town
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Main Entry: temp·ta·tion Pronunciation: tem(p)-'tA-sh&n Function: noun Date: 13th century 1 : the act of tempting or the state of being tempted especially to evil : ENTICEMENT 2 : something tempting : a cause or occasion of enticement
I am scared to take the risk and ruin the best thing that has ever happened to me. I don't know if I should tell him or not. Why do I feel like my life is an after school special
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Thanksgiving as well as all of the other holidays have their pros and cons. The pros: one being the mounds and mounds of food that is shoved into individuals' mouths while the vast majority of the world's population is staving, but what the hell we are Americans. Another thing that I love about the holidays is spending time with my family. Gee
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Makes Elyse a dull girl. Well this sure as hell wasn't true for me this weekend. Yay Madtown! Yay seeing my girlies! Yay for Kristin and spooning with me both nights! YaY for Jesse and Bunson Bunner for calling me TITs everytime we partied! Yay Jen for fixing my hair problem! (Scalp still bleeding) Yay me and my sassy catholic school girl outfit
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The Goo Goo Dolls' concert was excellent. I would give them two thumbs up or with my thumb it would be one whole thumb up. Johnny was too sexy for his own good and Kristin, Jen, Kate, and I were drooling over his hot bod
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