Answers to the "Five Questions"

Jan 09, 2005 13:50

Geeze. Only two people asked me stuff. Y'alll aren't feeling nosy lately, are you.

1. What is the first thing you're gonna do when you see me?
2. I've should probably know this, but: why do you homeschool?
3. When you were wee!Reet, what did you wanna be when you grew up?
4. TS or HP?
5. Boys or girls?'>

1. What is the first thing you're gonna do when you see me?
Jump up and down like a lunatic, and then grab you and hug you like crazy. Both of these actions will be interspersed by embarrassingly high-pitched squeaky!excited!noises.

2. I've should probably know this, but: why do you homeschool?
Oh, man, is it gonna be hard to keep this one short.
*I’m significantly less than impressed with the public schools in this area.
*I enjoy the flexibility of schedule it gives us.
*I don’t like running on other people’s schedules (obviously I have issues with authority.)
*I’ve always been fascinated by learning styles and watching the process of learning, and this is the perfect opportunity to experience both first-hand.
*I wanted to teach, and this way, I am
*I’d be at at-home mother anyway, and this way, I feel like less of a slacking, couch-laying mooch than I would otherwise.
*I’m sure nobody believes me, but it really is quite a lot of fun.
*it appeals to the nonconformist in me.
* I think society in general pressures kids to grow up too quickly, and I want to allow my kids the chance to be children while they can.

3. When you were wee!Reet, what did you wanna be when you grew up?
Teeny!wee!reet wanted to be a ballerina. Slightly!Less!Wee!reet wanted to be a teacher.

4. TS or HP?
Oh, great good heavens. Make me pick between my children, why don’t you?
[whispers]TS. OMG they R so ment 2B 4eva. Shhh! [/whispers]

5. Boys or girls?
To raise? Boys.
To shop with ( or for)? Girls.

Heh. *is dodgy*

1. So any more news on the supposed move?

2. Do you want any more kids or is three it?

3. If you move, is there a chance you'll put your kids in public school?

4. What one goal do you have for yourself?

5. When are you going to write me some porn?'>

1. So any more news on the supposed move?
Oh, yeah, it’s January. I’m allowed to think about that now.

No real news; the interviews that were originally supposed to be held in January have been postponed until the end of February. The original field of six people under consideration for the job has been narrowed to three (no idea how), and D. is still in the running, so that’s good. It’s a bit stressful, the not-knowing; signups for summer camps, for example, start in February and I have no idea whether or not I should sign the kids up for stuff. What we’re going to do is what we usually do: try to live our lives as if everything’s going to stay the same, and if anything changes, to deal with it then and not before then.

2. Do you want any more kids or is three it?
Well. The boys are always receptive to the idea of another sibling - perhaps I’ll offer to adopt someone off my flist. *g*

For a long time, I wanted four kids. (Well, no. that’s not exactly correct. After the oldest hit six months and I got on anti-depressants, I wanted to have four.) The youngest kid, however - the only girl - she’s a killer. Colicky for months, high-strung from the get-go, and spoiled like crazy by her daddy because she’s a girl - at this point, I’m too tired to consider having another. (Although I hardly ever admit it, there are times I daydream about having my One Last Baby once Smallest is, like, ten years old. Odds are pretty low on that, though - one of the major reasons we had kids so ‘early,’ at least when compared to our friends, is because we wanted to be young enough to enjoy them and keep up with them, but still young enough to be able to do stuff once they’re out of the house.) Plus, there’s the whole family history of declining fertility after you hit 30….

3. If you move, is there a chance you'll put your kids in public school?

I’m taking their education one year at a time. (Except in February, when I plan for the upcoming school year. Then it’s two years at a time.) In other words? It’s possible, I suppose. But I’ll guarantee you that I’m going to do a ton of research, interviewing, and digging before I send them anywhere.

4. What one goal do you have for yourself?

I…don’t think I have any goals for myself. To yell at the kids less? No. Um. I would like to set aside more time for writing (as opposed to “dicking around on the computer,” which is all well and good, but hardly productive.) Any suggestions on that front from you?

5. When are you going to write me some porn?

Why, K, darling. I didn’t think you enjoyed that manner of common smut. *bats eyelashes*
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