5. If you woke up male tomorrow what woulod be the first thing you'd do?'>
1. Who will play you in the movie?
Hmm. This is the kind of question I never ask myself. *thinkthinkthink* Geeze, I dunno. Nicole Sullivan, maybe. (She was on MadTV for a few years; not sure if you get that over there. Ooh, but you might know her from a guest shot she did on a S1 ep of SVU - she played a stockbroker who was raped on the subway, and made a crack about the police artist’s sketch looking like the Unabomber.) (Cheerful sort, aren’t I.)
2. Am I boring the arse off you by posting about music all the time?
Honestly? I often skim the music posts. But I always click on the links when you post about those Libertines fellows, because mmmmmm, hot boy inappropriate touching.
3. If the chicklets all shave their heads/listen to obnoxious music/paint their rooms black/get unsuitable tattoos and piercings in highly visible places etc. when they're teens will you give them a hard time? What would they have to do to warrant being given a hard time?
*Shave their heads - I’m sexist enough that it’d bother me if the girl did so. Hair, however, grows back, and if she wanted to deal with the stares, etc, I suppose I wouldn’t fight her too hard.
*Listen to obnoxious music - oh, hell. That’s part of adolescence; I’d be more worried if they don’t do that at some point. (Pardon me while I indulge my fond memories of buying/listening to Black Sabbath, just to try to piss off MamaReet.)
*Paint their rooms black - this one makes me shudder. Have you ever tried to paint over an entire room painted black? It’s a bitch. I’d stall for as long as I could before I allowed this one.
Mr. HP, I’m assuming, would have a shit fit at the mere suggestion.
*Get unsuitable tattoos and peircings in highly visible palces - As a certified germophobe, I’m going to be right up their little asses if they start sniffing around letting someone go at them with needles, regardless of whether or not the location is suitable. Piercings gross me out once you get beyond your standard ear placements, and tattoos in visible places strike me as "actions that may well become deeply regretted once they get older."
I think we’d almost certainly give them grief if they attempted to go for a tattoo of any kind before they were 18. Piercings would depend - my gut instinct is to say I’d require a research paper, properly annotated, on the subject of piercings as cultural symbols and/or the health risks/benefits inherent to piercings. (If that didn’t scare them away, at least I’d be sure they were fully informed about what they were planning to do to their bodies.)
4. Have you ever stolen anything?
The hearts of countless men? Erm. No, not that. When I was older!child!not!yet!a!teen!reet, I liberated a few sweets from one of those “pay $0.03 for a piece” displays of Brach’s candy. Oh, and there was the instance where I stole Jodie-across-the-hall’s boyfriend my freshman year of college. The candy I don’t remember, so I can’t tell you if it was worth it. The boyfriend, OTOH, was definitely worth it. *leers reminiscently*
5. If you woke up male tomorrow what would be the first thing you'd do?
Am I allowed to give the standard answers of “pee standing up” or “jerk off”? If I am, than one of those. If I have to be creative….I think I’d go somewhere scary - a bad neighborhood, for example - to see what it’s like to walk around without (much) fear of being accosted. Is that silly?
In other news, I feel like I'm never going to write again *dramatic sobbing*. Any suggestions?