(no subject)

May 22, 2005 23:56

Have you ever been called]

Dumb?: yes
Retarted?: yes, today in fact
Ugly?: yes
Hot?: yes
Anorexic?: yes
A waste of space?: haven't heard those exact words yet...maybe words that have meant the same thing basically...
Useless?: yes
Smelly?: yes
A S*ut?: can't say i have
Beautiful?: yes
Smart?: yes
Quiet?: yes
Boring?: not to my face
An ass?: heh, jokingly
Rebel?: you know me...
Conceited?: not to my face...maybe behind my back


What are you wearing?: From Autumn To Ashes shirt and old soccer shorts
Who are you talking to?: I was talking to Lance, but then I blocked him as a joke and he got offline...Now I'm talking to Shell, or I will be when she is back from getting food.
How is the weather?: Can't tell, it's dark outside.
What are you listening to?: The Blood Brothers
What/Who are you thinking about?: Myself since I'm thinking about being thirsty and the fact that my back really hurts from this f-ing chair.
What are you eating/drinking?: Nothing
What are you looking forward to?: Going to Ms. Michelle's this weekend.
What are you dreading?: Umm...Reading 50 pages for English tomorrow.
How are you feeling?: Tired and kind of bored.
How is your hair?: In a pony tail currently.
What time is it? 11:14pm.
What are you annoyed by?: This chair.

When Was The Last Time You...

Burped?: Earlier and I only remember bc it was abonormally long
Went to the movies?: A while ago...
Went out to eat?: Friday
Cried?: Umm...I don't remember
Threw up?: Umm...A few months ago probably...
Peed?: Umm...2 hours ago?? I don't know
Went skating?: I will not skate since I broke my wrist.
Went for a walk? Around 6pm today
Ate ice cream?: Friday
Got into a fight?: I don't know..


Do you do drugs?: no
Do you have a mental disablity?: no
Are you on any medication for any type of disorder?: no
What kind?: none
What kinds of illnesses run in your family?: cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, all those great things

Who was the last person you...

Talked to?: Michelle
Yelled at?: I do not know.
Kissed: Take a wild guess...
Hugged?: Same as above.
Went out to eat with?: Becca and my mom
Flirted with?: I don't think I have ever really "flirted." I'm not that kind of person.
Talked to on the phone?: Umm..I don't remember...I think my mom...Or besides her, Becca.
Gotten flowers from?: Lance
Danced with?: Umm..My mom actually...Hehe...She was making me dance around my living room with her earlier for no good reason.
Fought with? Don't know...But this thing has asked me that question like 4 times already...
Worried about?: Umm...I don't know...I worry a lot.
Cried over?: I do not know.
Thought about?: Sheri since she just signed online a few minutes ago and started talking to me.
Are you...

Understanding?: For the most part I'd say so.
Pretty?: I don't think so, but others do.
Nice?: yes, i'd say so
An ass?: nope
Hard to get?: I wouldn't say so...But I don't need gotten right now.
Confident?: Not really
Depressed? No, maybe sometimes, but usually I'm pretty happy.
Hyper?: Yes, sometimes.
Friendly?: i hope so
Hungry?: eh..kind of...not extremely
Original?: not really
Shy?: kind of, yes
Emotional?: yes
Messy?: yes
Immature?: occassionally
Sad?: no
Trusting?: yes
Healthy?: when i want to be
Sleepy?: aright now, yes
Lonely?: sometimes, not too often
Romantic?: eh, not really, i'd feel too cheesey
Do you drink alcohol?: no
Do you party a lot?: hardly
How often do you use the word "like" in an average hour?: not an abnormal amount
Do you skip classes? no
Do you steal?: no
Do you wear inappropriate clothing?: depends on someone's standards of inappropriate...at our school if you show a shoulder it's inappropriate and i like tank tops...so according to them i do
Do you drool over celebrities?: no
Do you watch a lot of TV?: not an excessive amount
Do you ever watch the News?: everyday usually
Do you read books often?: mhmm...usually i am always reading something for english and then one book on the side for myself. Right now it's Tale of Two Cities for English and Interview With A Vampire for myself.
Do you spend most of your time with your friends?: not most of my time, but enough
Do you smoke cigarettes?: no
Do you hang out a lot in malls, or at Seven Elevens*?: can't say i do...
Do you often find yourself with a crush on someone?: Hardly ever really...
Do you cuss a lot?: no, not really
Are you desperate to fit in?: no
Are you intelligent?: i'm pretty smart i guess..not trying to make myself sound like i'm better than people or anything, but people tell me it all the time and i get all A's, so i guess that counts as smart.
Do you spend a lot of time on your appearence?: no, all i do is shower and brush my hair...about it
Make-up?: no
Low-cut tops?: not extremely low...
Do you flip your hair when you talk, even if you don't realize it?: no..
Giggle a lot?: sometimes
Read YM, Teen, Cosmo, at all? no

[In the last 24 hours, have you]

Cried: no
Bought something: yes
Gotten sick: no
Sang: no
Eaten: yes
Been kissed: yes
Felt stupid: yes
Met someone new: no
Moved on: no
Had a serious talk: kind of
Missed someone: yes
Hugged someone: yes
Fought with your parents: no


What are some of your pet peeves: chewing loudly, when people go through my stuff, when people mess up things i've cleaned up, etc.
Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: not really
Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: yes
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: no
Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): white lies...nothing major
Want someone you don't have right now: nothing i really need or anything...
Do you want to get married: no

Do you want kids: yes
Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: im not getting married and that is a question i do not know and don't wish to know till that time
Are you happy with you: i guess
are you happy with your life: for the most part, yes
If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: nothing really
Pierce your nose or tongue? no
Be serious or be funny? funny
Do you have a crush? no
Who is it? --

[Your personal 411]

name: Ashley
phone number: Like I'm going to put it on here...
where do you live: Maumee, OH

[Your friendships]

Bestfriend(s): Basically the only people I hang out with
Friend you can't stand but couldn't live without: All of them
Friend you fight the most with: Don't know
Friend you never fight with: Umm..Sheri! I've never fought with Sheri...
Sweetest friend: Don't know
loudest friend: Becca
Most talent: All of them have talent...
most outgoing: Not sure.

[Dating 411]

Dating status: Not single
Last relationship (if you're in one right now the one you had before this) I had no other relationships besides the one now
Why'd it end: --
who ended it: --
Do you like someone: I have someone, so take a guess.
Do they like you: Um, I'd hope after a year and a half...
what do you like about them: I'm not going to list sappy things on here, go away.
What's you're type: I don't have a type...It just all depends on how we are together.


Why are more and more teens getting pregnant: Bc they are being dumbasses, that's why.
Why are more and more teens becoming involved in gangs: Bc they think it's a solution to a lot of life's problems.

[your friends]

Would you ever date any of your friends of the opposite sex: Um, I don't know...I don't really have many of those..
Would you date you're best female friends: Depends if I liked them like that I guess...
Would you ever date a person of the same gender as you: I don't really see why it matters what they gender is.

Do you....

have sex: no
believe oral sex is sex: believe in it?
drink: no
ever give people lap dances: can't say i do...
get high: no

Would you......

Ever give anyone a strip tease: odds are no...
strip for 50 thousands dollars: no, i wouldn't do it just bc there is money involved and it just feels too slutty and degrading to myself.
Pose nude: No
Make a porn movie with you're lover: ...that's just odd...


What's your outlook on life: Just try and hope everything works out in the end and enjoy the time you have with everything and everyone
enjoy life: most of the time, yes
could your life be better: everyone's could
miserable over anything right now: nope
Are you worried about anything right now: kind of.
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