Nakago (Fushigi Yuugi)

Nov 11, 2004 00:45

Title: Behind Blue Eyes
Author: dragonminstrel
Spoilers: episodes 10 to the end of the series, manga volumes 3-8 (only because I lack the rest of the manga) and the Nakago novel Seiran Den
E-mail: sag_diva at yahoo dot com
Notes: I have attempted to post this five or six times by now. -_- I know this is late; I apologize.

I'll be perfectly honest with all of you; I find myself a bit hesitant to write this essay. Why? Well, a lot of people really don't seem to like the character of Nakago that much. They don't want to admit that he has his reasons for acting the way he does. They only want to accept him as being the main villain of the entire Fushigi Yuugi series.

For me, however, it's different. I admit, I was one of the people who didn't want to sympathize with his character. At first, I thought of him as a two-dimensional villain who didn't have his reasons for acting the way he did, like all the villains in the older Disney animated movies.

However, as I got further into the series, I discovered he was more than the typical manipulator with a pretty face. No, I finally realized he had his reasons for being the way he was. He had a back-story. He had depth. He was the first real villain I saw and immediately fell in love with.

I just hope I manage to do the character justice.

So, Nakago. What is it about him that either makes the followers of Fushigi Yuugi love him or hate him?

It's easy to identify the reasons why someone would hate him. He is the leader of the Seiryuu seishi (or Celestial Warriors depending on if you go by the English translation or the original Japanese), the established villains of the entire series. The Seiryuu seishi are based in the capital of Kutou, Konan's rival country. Konan, for those unfamiliar with Fushigi Yuugi, is where the Suzaku seishi are based.

Now, how does this pertain to Nakago? Well, for one, Nakago, as a military general, controls two-thirds of the Kutou army. He has the ear of the emperor, for another. Thus, if Nakago thinks it's a good idea to invade Konan, the emperor will listen and will probably go along with it. However, in order to maintain his deceptions, he would probably twist his words in such a way to make the emperor feel that invading Konan was all his idea in the first place. Ultimately, however, Nakago is a tragic character... one who just wanted to take back what he felt had been taken from him.

Nakago: Until the miko arrives... by then... I'll be able to use these powers by then... and... someday I'll change everything! I'll have my revenge against the heaven which has only given me hell!
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 52

A Human Living in the Darkness: Nakago's Motives

In order to understand Nakago as a character, one really needs to look at his history first, as everything he does stems from that.

First, however, I'd like to tell you a story about a blond woman named Matuta and a soldier named Koyuu. (Yes, this story has a point.) Koyuu had met Matuta one day after he had injured his leg, and Matuta tended to his wounds. However, the two of them fell in love. Koyuu knew he would soon have to leave to return to the army, as they would be looking for him. One day, Matuta was standing at the edge of the lake and she saw something glittering beneath the water's surface. She reached into the water and pulled out two blue pearls (known as Seiran pearls). These pearls could only be seen by a woman who truly loves a man and when the two vowed their deep love for each other. The two exchanged pearls and Koyuu went to rejoin the army.

Koyuu, of course, was a soldier in the Kutou army. Matuta was the daughter of the leader of the Hin race, Nakago's race. Koyuu, of course, never knew about the son Matuta eventually had... the son she named Ayuru and who would eventually become the Nakago we all know and love today.

Now, as is usually the problem, people fear what they do not understand. The Hin people were considered to be very strange by the standards of Kutou. After all, in all of the book world that the bulk of the Fushigi Yuugi story takes place in, no one else has blond hair. Such a thing was extremely rare in the China that the world of Fushigi Yuugi is based on. Thus, it stands to reason that the Hin people were feared and persecuted by the rest of the populous of Kutou:

Man's Voice: Hey, they're from a Blond tribe!
Woman's Voice: Don't go near them!
Man's Voice: Don't get close!
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 52

Poor Nakago was exposed to such discrimination at a very early age. Of course, he was confused by it at the time, knowing full well that his people hadn't done anything to them. However, it almost seems natural that an attack on his village would soon follow...the event that set everything in motion for Nakago.

When Nakago was around the age of eleven, Kutou soldiers raided Nakago's village, killing innocent people and burning down houses as they went. Nakago watched his own mother being raped by Kutou soldiers. Even as she told him to run, he just stood there and watched. It was then that his seishi powers activated for the first time.

Nakago was captured by the soldiers who survived and was presented as a seishi of Seiryuu to the emperor. It is only in this scene that we discover exactly what happened when his powers activated:

Emperor of Kutou: One of the Seven Guardians of Seiryuu? This child?
A Soldier: Yes. He incinerated five soldiers and his own mother in an instant.
Emperor of Kutou: Isn't he dangerous?
A Soldier: There is no need for concern. He's been like this since that incident. He's not capable of that kind of power at the moment...
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 52

Now, it must be understood that Nakago was in a state of shock during this scene. After all, not much time had passed between his presentation to the emperor and the raid on his own village. It must be known, however, that there are various scenes throughout the anime and the manga depicting the emperor of Kutou surrounded by assorted beautiful women. Given that information (and the emperor's... favorable reaction to Nakago's appearance), it is safe to say that Nakago was used as a sex toy by the emperor. This information is confirmed in chapter two of Seiran Den, otherwise referred to as the Nakago novel.

The novel, of course, brings in a new character that was never covered in the series. It seems only fitting to address her here, as well. Her name is Taria, a girl from Nakago's village. She had also been taken prisoner by the soldiers of Kutou, the only one who refused to die. By this point, the emperor wanted proof that Nakago was a seishi. He wanted to see Nakago's symbol. So, the emperor's logical choice? Kill Taria in front of Nakago.

This gave the emperor the results he wanted; however, this prompted other changes in Nakago. The most prominent change was that Nakago had been able to control the ensuing explosion to only hit the two soldiers who killed Taria. The next was with Nakago himself. Nakago, who had been acting like a scared and lost little boy, suddenly transformed into the cold man that we all know and love from the anime series. He joined Kutou's military, fully intending on taking revenge for his people. The shogun at the time was none other than Gi Koyuu (Japanese name order here), Nakago's own father, although neither of them knew who the other was at the time.

Nakago went on to become vice-shogun with a man named Eichuu, who became his rival. In the course of his training, he came across two other Seiryuu seishi: Soi and Tomo. In the end, Nakago killed Eichuu and his own father without a second thought. Any trace of what remained of his heart had died in those final moments.

The Mark of Seiryuu: Nakago's Strengths and Weaknesses

All the seishi of the four Gods have some sort of abilities to protect the miko. Like most of the other seishi, Nakago's abilities revolve around his chi. Nakago mainly uses his for destructive purposes: exploding things, killing people, etc. He can also break through other seishi's spells or, at the very least, Chichiri's. In episode ten (manga volume 3), he breaks through a paralysis spell Chichiri puts on him, and Chichiri's a pretty strong magician. He is also physically strong, as well. Tamahome, who can usually take down an enemy in a few minutes, is actually blocked by and hurt by Nakago.

Tamahome: Owww...
Miaka and Yui: Wh-what's wrong!?
Tamahome: It's nothing. That foreign guy messed up my leg a little.
--Volume 3, Chapter 16

Nakago's words are, however, his most powerful weapon in his arsenal. A few key words can make a girl hate her best friend or cause someone to fall in love with him. He uses this most often with Yui, Seiryuu no miko.

Yui: You kept saying that Miaka had forgotten about me, and now she's come all the way here looking for me! Give me Suzaku's "Universe of the Four Gods". I'm going back to Konan with Miaka!
Nakago: I see. Then you may do whatever you like. However... Does that girl really feel as strongly about you as you think she does? You should think back to the condition you were in when I found you three months ago.
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 11

Throughout the rest of the episode, Nakago's words keep playing back in Yui's mind, especially after she witnesses Miaka and Tamahome kissing and Miaka's confession that she came back to the book because she wanted to be Tamahome. Thus, proving Nakago's words have a very strong hold on her, Yui brings Miaka to the Seiryuu shrine and, while her friend is in pain, berates her:

Miaka: Yui, wait! Why are you doing this?!
Yui: "Why," she asks! Hmpf! You're one to talk. You never really considered me your best friend, did you? I learned that clearly enough today! Even after what happened to me, I was foolish enough to keep on believing in you for these last three months!
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 11

Nakago's other skills include: pretending to be the dutiful servant. How often does he use this with Yui and the emperor? Why, every time he's on screen, of course! Every time he does something, he claims he's doing it for Yui because it's what she wants. The prime example of that: Nakago realizes Yui can't stop thinking of Tamahome. The obvious solution? Order Suzaku no miko to give up Tamahome for Yui, and then give Tamahome a drug that makes him forget about his love for Miaka. This works fairly well, until Tamahome's love for Miaka overpowers the drug.

Now, with powers like this, how could he have any weaknesses? Well, Nakago has...other issues, much like everyone else. He relies on punishing people all too quickly, using the whip to punish Tamahome when he tries to escape to go to Miaka and on Ashitare if he's disobedient.

Nakago is also extremely cocky. He tells Tamahome that he is the only man who has ever hit him before, showing that he has faith in his abilities, but he's also fairly convinced that no one will ever strike him. Tamahome disproves this and winds up punching him hard enough to knock Nakago back a few paces. He also seems extremely confident that all his plans will work, always having a backup plan. Now, while the backup plans might be considered a strength, they usually fail in some way, as well.

Looks like Nakago's planning might need a bit more work, hmm?

You'll surely find someone. Someone who will love you: Nakago's Relationships

I will try to keep this section as non-shippy as possible; I promise.

As far as relationships go, Nakago has the main relationships of manipulator/the person he manipulates. This is especially evident in his dealings with Yui and the emperor of Kutou. There are two people who love him, but Nakago never acknowledges it.

The emperor is, of course, amongst the most prominent relationships Nakago has. It is fairly evident (from both Seiran Den and the series) that Nakago was used as the emperor's sex toy. The emperor of Kutou loves beautiful things and, to him, young Nakago was a very beautiful thing. Whether these nighttime rendezvous' continued as Nakago got older is unknown. However, the emperor is easily misled by Nakago, allowing Nakago to do as he pleased without putting too many restrictions on him. This, of course, was the emperor's downfall and it allowed Nakago to rise against the emperor without the emperor expecting a thing.

Now, the most prominent romantic interest (and the one that most people pair Nakago up with in fanfiction) is Soi, a fellow seishi of Seiryuu. Before the story even starts, Nakago rescued Soi from a group of street toughs who were trying to get her to sleep with them. As Nakago walked away from the incident, he simply told Soi that he hated seeing people being treated as she was. This paring is a personal favorite for many people to study. Why? Well, while it's obvious that Soi loves Nakago, Nakago never says he returns her feelings. All Nakago ever does in terms of "loving" Soi is having sex with her to boost his powers as a seishi. The following quote sums up their relationship quite well:

Soi: Why won't you remove your armor for me?
Nakago: What's this, all of a sudden? I've removed my armor for you many times.
Soi: Yes, we've made love many times. But only to heighten your powers. But to reach your heart...your feelings... Do you remember...? When we first met seven years ago? Ever since that time, you were the only one for me!
Nakago: There is only one person that can satisfy me. You're not her.
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 45

The person Nakago is referring to in the above quote is presumed to be Yui. Nakago pretends to be subservient to her in order to get what he wants: total power. He wants to become a god, and, to do that, he requires Yui to summon Seiryuu and use one of her wishes to do so. This relationship of manipulator/manipulate-ee is prominent in dealing with her, most of which has already been touched upon in another section. To add to the list of offenses against Yui, he allows her to believe that she was raped, turns Yui against her best friend, and makes Yui believe he loves her.

The most hardly touched relationship out of all of them is the relationship that Nakago has with another seishi of Seiryuu, Tomo. Tomo is known as being... creepy. He paints his face with stage makeup, has an extremely scary/annoying laugh, and can create illusions. Fans also know Tomo as the man who loves Nakago. Now, they don't really go into this in the series or the manga (to the best of my knowledge). However, Watase herself has mentioned this relationship in the past, and thus it does exist. It is obvious that Nakago trusts Tomo to some degree, discussing major plans with him and the like. Whether or not Nakago is even aware of Tomo's feelings is unknown. When the two meet in Seiran Den, Tomo tells Soi that he and Nakago need each other's cruelty.

Tamahome and Nakago have the most interesting dynamic, however. They are each other's foil, if you ask me. For one thing, note how their symbols as seishi lie in the same place: on their foreheads. In an official bio sheet that Yuu Watase wrote up for Nakago, she says that one of Nakago's favorite pastimes is picking on Tamahome. We see hints of that in the following (although Tamahome is perfectly capable of dishing it out.):

Tamahome: So this was your idea? What do you get out of bringing me here?
Nakago: (walking towards Tamahome) I want to console Her Eminence, Yui. (tilts Tamahome's chin upwards to look at him) And I have my own interest in you. You are the only warrior who has ever managed to penetrate my guard.
Tamahome: ...ohh. I guess that means you're not so tough.
--Volume 4, Chapter

It is also important to note that Tamahome and Nakago are polar opposites. Tamahome is kind and loving; Nakago is brutal and doesn't care who gets hurt as long as he gets what he wants in the end. Tamahome has a family at the start of the series; Nakago does not. It almost seems as though Nakago has some sort of vendetta against Tamahome, considering what Nakago does to him. He has Yui give Tamahome a drug that will make him forget all about Miaka and bring Tamahome onto their side. Nakago has Suboshi kill Tamahome's family after Amiboshi's "death". Nakago beats Tamahome after Tamahome tries to run away from Kutou to go to Miaka. In the end, however, Tamahome, using the power of Suzaku, defeats Nakago (who doesn't even dodge the attack) and it is only Tamahome who knows the truth about Nakago's past.

Tamahome: Nakago...
Nakago: Don' dare look into another man's memories without permission.
Tamahome: Why didn't you dodge?
Nakago: Stop it. Don't give me any of your pity. With the power of Seiryuu sealed, the power of Suzaku has claimed victory. The strong win. That's all.
--Fushigi Yuugi, Episode 52

Deceiver of Hearts: Final Judgement

I still remember my reaction the first time I ever saw Nakago in episode 10. Once Nakago took the helmet and the cloth off his face, my jaw dropped to the floor. He was simply beautiful. I admit, this was what drew me to the character initially. But then once you get into the character, he's extremely complex. My love for villains is what drew me to him ultimately. I have a soft spot for villains and thus Nakago endeared himself to me. Yes, he isn't the best character in existence. He lies, kills, and isn't the most trustworthy character in existence. And yet I love him anyway. My friends are all convinced I'm insane. Maybe I am. At this point, I'm of the opinion that I'm too far gone in my love for Nakago to care. ^^

Recommended Reading

The novel
Seiran Den translated by Tetris no Miko. I didn't include any quotes from the translation in this essay out of respect for Tetris no Miko's work. However, I do recommend you read it. It's a wonderful insight into Nakago's character.

A Mother's Momento by K. C. Hulsman (while most of the names are wrong, it's still a very good fic)
Nakago by Elena Star Wyvern

Other Essays
Nakago as Fushigi Yuugi's Driving Force by Stephan Congly
Tragedy in Fushigi Yuugi by Stephan Congly (while Nakago isn't as prominent in this essay, it's still a good read)

Episode quotes come from Fushigi Yuugi: A Neverending Story! and the official episode translations from Geneon. Manga translations are from the official manga translations from Animerica.

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