Jun 05, 2008 01:11
- 21:44 Wowzers what a day. What a night. Just got home from a night out with my gf. #
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Jun 04, 2008 01:11
- 18:29 @ kelleyroo YAY! won't be long before you get your $$ :) #
- 19:07 So glad that the delivery site delivers Chili's food now. Waiting for my feast! #
- 19:38 mmmmm splurging on a delicious dinner.... so worth it. #
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Jun 02, 2008 01:12
- 01:42 @ lianhua yes.... will call tomorrow. #
- 02:02 wow I'm up still. wow. #
- 15:10 I need to change, and get ready to go. But all I want to do is lay here. I'm hot and sleepy. #
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Jun 01, 2008 01:12
- 19:32 @ kissmykitty I want cookies!!! #
- 20:25 @ kissmykitty YAY!! #
- 20:30 How sad is it that I walked to 2 different stores just to get a popsicle? Ha! #
- 21:40 It feels so nice in my apartment. If only it was clean. I'd be truly content. #
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May 31, 2008 01:07
- 18:44 Plans for tonight. up in smoke. just like that. *annoyed* #
- 18:56 Am I turning into that kind of person? Dare I say... an... adult? Ugh impeccable timing. Really. #
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May 30, 2008 01:11
- 11:59 working #
- 18:08 @ lianhua we weren't planning on getting there til like noonish. can't do it sunday cuz she works graveyard shift hrs. she's taking #
- 18:14 Where is my money? So feeling unstimulated. #
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May 29, 2008 01:08
- 21:08 emailing and myspacing with the gf cuz my cell is teh suckage. new phone next thursday. #
- 21:31 Yum.. new Idina Menzel album "I Stand" is on my iTouch :) #
- 22:04 coughcoughcough thank you for the lung cancer in my bedroom window. *chokes* #
- 22:40 lunch with my girl tomorrow. yay :) #
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May 28, 2008 01:09
- 12:10 going to the wild animal park. cya later twitter! #
- 17:01 Back from the wild animal park. Had a wonderful time! #
- 20:35 byebye 4 day weekend :( #
- 21:14 Oooh I've got photos showing up on explore :) #
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