Doctor Who: The Icon Battle

Jun 08, 2011 13:26

The Organizational Post

>> Current Battle Participants: myfloralbonnet, six_two_four, saxify, marcasite, mm3butterfly, _puchula_, and wildpages.

That's a total of eight battle participants, all of whom I am super excited to work with. If you feel like this might be too much though and need to drop out and/or you need to drop out or ask for an extension at any time during the battle, let me know here.

>> What we need from you: We will be working with one cap per season 6 episode (thus far). So that's seven caps per battle participant. You need one screencap from each of the following episodes: The Impossible Astronaut, The Day of the Moon, The Curse of the Black Spot, The Doctor's Wife, The Rebel Flesh, The Almost People, and A Good Man Goes to War. Please leave links to your seven screencaps in this thread!

Make sure you double check the caps of anyone whose posted before you so that we don't double up. :D

Screencaps: absolutelybatty | marcasite | _puchula_ | six_two_four | wildpages | saxify | mm3butterfly | myfloralbonnet [8/8]

>> Format: Once you have finished your set of icons (there should be, at this point, approximately 56 of them, holy crap!), please post them to this thread. Once everyone has finished and/or the deadline is met, I will combine everyone's icons together into one big master post showing everyone how awesome you all are. Then you guys can post your icon where ever and how ever you like, but make sure to link me your individual posts because I'll create a maker directory at the bottom of the master post so everyone who sees it can hop, skip, and jump right over to your icon posts and tell you how lovely your icons are.

>> Time Frame: At this point, I was hoping a month might be enough? So if everyone could get me their screencaps by the tenth, then the battle could run from June 10 to July 10 (roughly). If you think you'll need more time than that, let me know!

Screencaps: Gallery 1 | Gallery 2
Zip Files 1 | Zip Files 2

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please direct them here.
If you need to drop out or request an extension, please do so here.

Your seven screencaps need to be posted in this thread.
Your finished icons should be posted in this thread.

Also, just for fun, there is also a chat thread here! Complain about how difficult a particular screencap is, link us some textures that you found fun to use, tell us about new tricks you've discovered in photoshop, let us know how much you love Matt Smith's hilarious face, etc.

Finally, it would be beneficial for all of us to TRACK this post for the duration of the battle. That way you are instantly aware of any significant changes in the battle. If you do not have the ability to track and/or can't be bothered, let me know so I can PM you anything important!

extra: icon battle

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