Personal entries will be locked, with a few exceptions. Feel free to add me, but if you want to be added back, leave a comment at this post. Find out more about me here! ♥
Can I friend you? I found you through the LOVELESS community. When I looked over your icons and userinfo, I was delighted to see that we both LOVE CLAMP and share the same interests!
Llegué a tu journal porque tenemos algunos amigos en común :D así es que me dio curiosidad revisar tu lj ^^"... veo que además de amigos, también tenemos varios intereses similares ^o^ así es que me encantaría que me agregaras a tu lista de amigos ^____^
Saludos :3
PD: Por cierto, me gustó mucho tu layout y el header *o* se ve muy elegante ^.^
Hola!! :3 Sip! Ya te había visto en un par de journals, y la verdad es que vos también me dabas curiosidad... Ya mismo te estoy agregando, gracias por comentar!! ;D
Eep! Added you as a friend ages ago, but I guess I forgot to leave a comment... heh.
Anyway, I adore CLAMP works (I buy nothing else manga-wise!) and would love to have more friends to discuss this stuff with. Most of mine have no idea or don't care! *sigh* And I have another LJ, meledeaskopia, in which I post fics if you're interested!
Hi there ^_^ I added you to my friendlist, I hope you don't mind. We share a couple of interests (Photoshop, Death Note, Loveless, House MD...) and you seem to be a nice person :D Please add me back so I can read you locked entries, k?
Can I friend you? We share some common interset like adoring Clamp and just want people to discuss things with, because it gets pretty lonely when there isn't a lot of people to discuss thing we like. You know? Ps. I have to say your Yuuko banner is the hot.
Comments 30
So-so, can I add you? =3
I'll friend you back if you don't mind ^^
Llegué a tu journal porque tenemos algunos amigos en común :D así es que me dio curiosidad revisar tu lj ^^"... veo que además de amigos, también tenemos varios intereses similares ^o^ así es que me encantaría que me agregaras a tu lista de amigos ^____^
Saludos :3
PD: Por cierto, me gustó mucho tu layout y el header *o* se ve muy elegante ^.^
Sip! Ya te había visto en un par de journals, y la verdad es que vos también me dabas curiosidad...
Ya mismo te estoy agregando, gracias por comentar!! ;D
Anyway, I adore CLAMP works (I buy nothing else manga-wise!) and would love to have more friends to discuss this stuff with. Most of mine have no idea or don't care! *sigh* And I have another LJ, meledeaskopia, in which I post fics if you're interested!
I added you to my friendlist, I hope you don't mind. We share a couple of interests (Photoshop, Death Note, Loveless, House MD...) and you seem to be a nice person :D Please add me back so I can read you locked entries, k?
It seems you are a nice person too, so I'm adding you back.
Ps. I have to say your Yuuko banner is the hot.
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