Hm..very weird weekend, I'd say. I have computer restriction on weekdays, and I seem to have hurt a guy who likes me. I suppose I am over it, with the help of a few friends. <333 But, whoa. Eric I love you. Wish that fockin' mail would get here. ;-;
I'm a bit tipsy. Lol. I love my Inu-Yasha, too. I think i shall show you the post. :P!!!
:::::Chat Formast:::::
That hanyou was always on the move. Thank god Kagome had left for the time being. Pearly fangs shined with his devilish grin. Ah. The wind would blow against wondrous tresses of silvery white.
The Fire Rat top wrapped about him in a red tint, beneath laid a simple white shirt. Nimble feet sprung with the crisp of weather. How dark it had gotten. How much time till the real hunting began?
Riddled in his instincts, a sniff sent him to the left. “Ah. Now you’re mine….” A small whisper would escape. The fang necklace, to which bonded him to Kagome’s command, was stained in blood and
Stinking of flesh. Rotten flesh almost engulfed his senses. Even he was disgusted to some point. Ugh, Kagome would have been whaling by now. Thinking about her again! A bug began to irritate his
Left ear, so he swatted and growled with distaste. Sharp claws scratched at bark and vines, the fucked up obstacles of the forest. Bare feet hit and leapt consecutively. The moon’s rays cause
The demon to seem a distinctive pale color. Not even peach. The Tetsaiga sat within its crappy sheathing. As weak as a wooden sword, till the power was beckoned. It would come alive, with furred
Butt of the handle and a large blade. Thus, the kill would be consumed.
Liz. A-Kon is looking up again. ^_^; I love so many people. (As friends)