Well, we are back with a new challenge, a bit later than intended! The challenge this time is the mini series "Clarissa" based on the book by Samuel Richardson. He was a popular writer of the 18th century.
I have read the book, it is written in a series of letters. If you like a long read, unabridged it is over 1536 pages long. For any of us who have wished we had lived in those times it is truly a wake up call of the helplessness of women of that age and through history.
Sean Bean plays the rake, against Clarissa's goodness and purity. It is worth a watch if you get the chance, but some scenes are shocking.
Entries are due by Tuesday February 16th Midnight EST. Rules/Images etc under the cut.
Entries : 15
You can enter up to six icons for this challenge, all effects allowed except animation. If you have any questions just ask. You can use your own images from Clarissa, if you have some. I have made extra caps besides the ones posted here for download HERE