Hengeyokai Epilogue

Sep 24, 2009 02:06

Hengeyokai Epilogue

General Overview

The Blue Dragon Sentai become one of the most famous Sentai in the Middle Kingdom. They specialise in the redemption of Innocents, and they train up two other Sentais to do the same work The Dragons Of The Plains from Hohut guarding the north and the Dragon’s Pearl Sentai operating out of Shanghai guarding the south. Their work as you may guess from the above takes them throughout China, and couple of times north to Outer Mongolia and once even far into the Laotian Jungles. They some discover that Innocents can be divided into Bennies, sensation junkies who crave the sensations of the flesh, this can sometimes be bound to particularly strong willed Sentais or sometimes gymnasiums, brothels or anywhere strong emotion and/or intense physical activity may occur. These can be particularly dangerous and require a great deal of observation particularly when bound to a building. Then there are Ans they seek peace and quiet from the fury inside them and usually need binding into temples, when are bound into places of worship their presence causes an increase in the spiritual power of the place, which causes the greater attendance, helping make China a slightly more spiritual place. A great number are Innocents are beyond redemption and must sadly be put down if possible. They are also known as be capable Kumo killers but this only a secondary activity, when Kumo situation get to hard to handle in an area they are already visiting.

Romance And Children

Two days after the assassination of the Kumo general Peach Blossom has her human wedding. It is a huge affair due to the insistence of her mother-in-law and the influence of her father with the death of Han senior the wedding marked the ascension of Wang to head of the family. Very important businessman, police man and gangster is there, unsurprising Peach Blossom’s father has a field day. The Red Paw have a good couple of weeks following and the number of unexplained food poisoning and gas explosions sky rocket for that brief period. Peach Blossom’s daughter is born six months later, given Wang’s last then pure past not too many questions are asked. Mother names her Hong Hua (Red Flower) and blesses her with a small gift of superior stamina and strength, given her natural tempter thanks to An‘s influence she becomes an expert martial artistic focusing her natural aggression to the benefit of the court, due to being only a kinfolk she cannot become a front-line soldier, instead becoming an assassin par excellence. The marriage is happy, in spite or perhaps because of the time they spend apart, with Peach Blossom “studding” Wang out to the Koreans to help breed an Okuma, he does not seem to lonely when she is away, but he is happy to see her come back, sadly no Okuma are sired but the bloodline is growing stronger. The Historian gets to adopt but it is under the nigh constant supervision of The Regent and any one else in the Court. The child is five when adopted so already developed, they picked a quiet child who likes to read a lot, to act as a calming influence. She is very much the “Courts Children” being as how everyone feel the Historians parenting need close observation. In spite of her eclectic upbringing she remains bookish, preferring the natural sciences to the myths of her mum she becomes a renowned ecologist and spear heads many rescue project for endangered species. Whilst the Historian does not make any more advances to Kuan Ti she is very eager that he spend time with her daughter citing the similar calm natures of them. She also on occasions arranges little “family” dinners bring in food and tea to share with Kuan Ti and her daughter whenever possible. Kuan Ti always receives a cake on the Autumn Festival from some unknown from some “unknown“ admirer, a concession he is advised but the Regent to accept. Ryosuke and Long do get together, she is useful to the Sentai on a number of occasions her mind powers sometimes calming raging Innocent. Two years into the relationship Long bears Ryosuke a son, who Lord Helios be blessed is a full blooded Zhong Lung. His war form being the spitting image of his aunt Bennie except being male of course. Kim and Snakey are married days after Peach Blossom and Wang. They produce 5 children, none of who Change or Awaken like their parents but, three become capable Hedge Magicians and serve as magical support to the Maiden, Mother and Crone. The other two run brothel management for The Master Of Low War.

Those New To The Court

It takes some time for Long to adjust to a world of Magic, but after the intrusion into her mind by Maiden she cannot deny it. She takes it as her duty to bring those around her into the 21st Century without undermining the existing paradigm, she starts incorporating little bit and pieces of spirituality into her Magic. Using some spiritualism herself, particularly Feng Shui which she understands easily given the pseudo-scientific nature the discipline has been gaining the last few years. Thanks to Long’s influence the Historian discovers the joys of the internet, which she is happy to use, but always returning eagerly to her books. Wang in spite of the joys of his unusual marriage finds it very difficult to come to terms with the moral flexibility of his father-in-law, and even on occasion his wife, he is a little shocked when she first suggests taking the Koreans as mistresses even with the quite logical reason. When his daughter is chosen for assassination duty he puts his foot firmly down and it takes some time to persuade him to lift it, (her grandfather had of course already sent her on some missions, but it was nice to get the official permission). However he does enforce the law as rigorously as ever, managing to persuade the Court to press as many things as possible through the legal system, the fact that all legal methods have been exhausted gives him comfort when a blind eye must be turned.

The End Of The Blue Dragon Sentai

The Blue Dragon Sentai meet an end worthy of the finest poems. Whilst chasing an Innocent far into the jungles of the south the Sentai they stumble across an Endron drilling operation. Having tripped the security measures of the station they have not choice but to stand and fight. The only one to make it out was Bennie, when she got to the Court of Shanghai and told the Court of the fight, a shrine was immediately erected to The Blue Dragon Sentai into which Bennie was happily bound. When a scout group was send to the drilling station they found it deserted and out of operation. When the news of the Blue Dragon Sentai’s fall came to Zibo, a great funerary rite was conducted a the mourning was great. They were lucky unlike most Changers they lived long enough to see there children to adulthood.
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