Massive onslaught of Swan Queen family lovelies

Dec 20, 2014 20:14

Here is the original collection of SQ Family manips.

**If you want to use any of these manips for other things, feel free. Please credit mastiffgirl, though. Thanks!

Some of these are crappy, and some are fairly good. I had fun making them! I hope you enjoy them. :)

Continuation of Hannah Kate baby photos:

Baby Zoe Renee!

Regina's pregnancy progress:

Direct links to more of Regina's pregnancy:

Baby Zoe and big sister Hannah!
(This one is actually MY birth photo. I just photoshopped Lana's face over my mother's. It did wonders for my psyche.)

<--- RL baby Katy

(And just for kicks:)
[Merry Christmas from the Swan-Mills family]

Don't ask me how I found the little girl with the Swan Queen dress. It stumbled upon it by pure accident and nearly had a coronary. I couldn't find it again if I tried. If you want to use it for something, here's the original photo. If you want any other original photos, let me know. I keep them just in case. :)

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