[Assignment: Hierarchy in the Kingdom of Kei]
For Keiki
This paper is a complement from the delivered general observations made for En Taiho in the Court System within the Twelve Kingdoms. There isn't a known preceding for a different hierarchy disposition.
- Sekishi | Nakajima Youko | Ou
- Seimitsu | Keiki | Taiho
- Seikyou | ??? | Chousai
- Kaki | ??? | Taisai
- Uikyou | ??? | Lord of the Privy Seal
- Jinrai | ??? | General of the Right Division of the Imperial Army
I'd like to remember who everybody is right away, but this noise is making it harder than it already is. What a mess of a ruler I'm.
I guess the City invisible gates got busted again. It'll be nice if those who drop by today tell us how they leave. Just an idea. Did anyone ask them before? You catch more flies with
honey. Good one, Rin.
Keiki, I think Taiki and his shirei should remain inside. These people never bothered me that much before, but there's so many and they could get excitable if they get too close to the kid. You should remain inside too. I'll take a look around if I see familiar faces or voices. Last time, there were several of our world brought in here.
I'm not counting with seeing him again. Man, why I'm so anxious for?
[There's a soft soft. Sheets being slide under the door frame.]
Huh? What's... this? Ke-
Keiki?! [She makes a pause, there's a sound of choked giggle fit. The amusement dies when she takes a look to
one of the other pieces] No way. That's ME AND... Koukan? It's written in Kanji. The Lord of Baku Province and me? That's freaking nuts.
What the hell is all this about?! I don't even recognize half of the people who are in this stuff with me!
(ooc; Youko's the bicycle of the Japanese 12K fandom. She's paired off with EVERYONE including Keiki's shirei /sob. You know you want to find
this Action/Voice/etc, just no duplicates, don't tell her she's fictional or many spoilers plz.
I know Uikyou's anime only but we didn't get to know the LotPS? Blame Ono for not giving us names for Youko's old Court! :( ).