This is about the girlfriend:
1. Sitting in front of the TV, what is on the screen?
Law & Order: SVU, Gossip Girl, ANTM, Project Runway, Dexter
2. You're out to eat; what kind of dressing does she get on her salad?
3. What's one food she doesn't like?
4. You go out to the bar. What does she order?
she's underage. ha ha ha!
5. Where did she go to high school?
um... I don't know what it's called. in Fort Myers. Cypress Lake or something?
6. What size shoe does she wear?
Little foots. I don't know for sure. 5?
7. If she was to collect anything, what would it be?
8. What is her favorite type of sandwich?
Chicken Caesar Wrap! Salami otherwise.
9. What would this person eat every day if she could?
pizza from patsy's. or a turkey burger from soup'n'burger.
10. What is her favorite cereal?
special k fruit & yogurt.
11. What would she never wear?
12. What is her favorite sports team?
13. Who will she vote for?
She won't. She's part of the disenfranchised youth!
14. Who is her best friend?
karen, who is supposed to visit but never will!
15. What is something you do that she wishes you wouldn't do?
i'm a bit messy.
16. How many states has she lived in?
florida, illinois, virginia?, new york... 4?
17. What is her heritage?
Polish by way of Chicago.
18. You bake her a cake for her birthday; what kind of cake?
vanilla cake with chocolate frosting?
19. Did she play sports in high school?
In high school she did some... cheerleading!
20. What could she spend hours doing?
reading, baking
21. She wants a new?
22. The CD I probably would find in her vehicle is?
something by elliott smith or dashboard confessional........
23. What can you do that will guarantee a laugh from her?
funny dances!
24. Does she get along well with her family?
she's pretty close with her family, talks to her grandmother and aunt more than i talk to my own mother, and to her own mother more than i talk to anyone other than her.
25. If money weren't an object, I would buy her?
A house in france.