Comment to this post and I will give you five subjects/things I associate with you. Then post this to your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
marc gave me
1. books
2. new york
3. martial arts
4. munchkin
5. fast eyes
1 books
yes, i concur. i read quite a bit, and have always read. when i was young i used books with accopanying tapes to learn how to read. i own way too many books. my tastes are mostly for current fiction, with an affinity for fantasy novels. in eleventh grade i had a "humanities" class, basically general art history/anthropology survey. i fell asleep very frequently in class. fridays were free days where we basically did whatever we wanted, on that day i usually read. the teacher commented on one particular day that he couldn't stand that i fell asleep whenever he was teaching but would read when he wasn't. that day i happened to be reading 'the fountainhead', which supposedly was his favorite book. if only i had the same luck in my american government class...
2 new york
i moved to new york last april to live with my girlfriend who is attending nyu. it's one of the last places i expected to be, as i'm not really a high-energy metropolis kind of guy. we live in a very nice and relatively quiet neighborhood called cobble hill in brooklyn. there's a wealth of things to be found here that i feel i may regret not taking advantage of when we eventually move somewhere else. hmmm.
3 martial arts
i like them. after some failed sports attempts when i was in elementary school, i had kind of given up and wasn't very active in my youth. for my 14th birthday my mom took me to a place my friend will had started taking tae kwon do at, kim's martial arts. i think matt started the same day. the three of us kept going 2 or three times a week for the next two years. the 30 minute car rides were pretty amazing. generally it would be the three of us and whichever of our mothers had drawn the short straw and was driving that week. anyway, i really enjoyed the experience and kept going more and more, started teaching classes too. i got my 1st degree decided black belt as senior year began, and the curriculum changed quite a bit. my attendance waned in that year, but ever since i've always looked for another outlet like that. in addition to tkd i did about 6 months of master kim's IS Mudo, which incorporated some hapkido. i'm not much of a grappler. in the many years since, i've never found a place that i was quite as happy, but i took about 2 years of kickboxing training -never competed-, another year and a half of ko am mu do, a tkd/hapkido hybrid, and am looking for somewhere semi-convenient that i can afford here in new york.
4 munchkin
probably the best card game ever. i started playing in iowa city and enjoyed it, it always makes for an amusing time with the geeks. it's funny and a complete geekfest, which is why i like it. i started some of the fort myers guys playing it and they seemed to like it, too. it's absurd and hilarious.
5 fast eyes
i have some congenital eye conditions. ocular albinism, astigmatism, and nystagmus. the fast eyes are a result of the nystagmus, which is:
rapid involuntary movements of the eyes that may be from side to side (horizontal nystagmus), up and down (vertical nystagmus) or rotary. Depending on the cause, these movements may be in both eyes or in just one eye. The term "dancing eyes" has been used in regional dialect to describe nystagmus.
The involuntary eye movements of nystagmus are caused by abnormal function in the areas of the brain that control eye movements. The exact nature of these disorders is poorly understood. Nystagmus may be either congenital (present at birth) or may be acquired (caused by disease or injury later in life).
Affected people are not aware of the eye movements, although they may be noticed by a careful observer.