Post a memory of me in the comments. It can be anything you want.
Then - post this to your journal and see what people remember about you.
It could be any type of memory. Good or bad.
in other news, school sucks, and i'm moving home. lotsa reasons, i'm just hoping i'll be better once i'm back home because i'm really not enjoying myself too much right now and it frustrates me because i was fine when i was at home before. but i'm super excited bout my apartment, so i'll be back on campus soon, so no worries.
i'm also turning into the girl i never thought i would be, or could be. i'm actually enjoying it, as much as it freaks me out.
people frustrate me, a lot. i wish everyone would just come down to earth and realize there are bigger things. thats defintiely one thing i miss from high school. yeah ud was ghetto, but i feel like the majority of people there were levelheaded. i thought people were supposed to mature as they got older. mebe i was wrong. maybe i'm the crazy one.
end random update