stolen info/permissions template is stolen

Aug 29, 2014 11:39

Real name: Maiza Avaro
Apparent age: Mid to late 20s
Real age: ~250
Height: 5'10" (THIS IS A FACT he would've been crazy tall for when he was born but whatever)
Weight: uhm, I'm bad at that...but about normal for his height.
Eyes: CLOSED I say dark brown, for no better reason than that that's his brother's eye color yes I know siblings don't always have the same eye color shut up
Hair: Auburn
Race: Immortal human

Medical info: Immortality (not bended back), and he needs glasses, although the specifics of whatever's wrong with his eyes is unknown.
Physical traits: Pretty much looks like an average, reasonably in-shape human male.
Abilities/Equipment: he brought a knife and a pocketwatch into Nautilus. That's about it at the moment. Regarding the immortality: he normally has, as part and parcel of his immortality, the ability to kill other immortals from his canon by absorbing them through his right hand, and the ability to give information or memories to such immortals by putting the same hand on their heads.

Limitations: I...uh...well if you knocked his glasses off he couldn't see a thing I suppose. And if/when he re-immortalifies himself he won't be able to use a false name in the presence of another immortal from his canon, and will be vulnerable to being absorbed by them.

What's okay to mention around him: basically anything. ask before you break the 4th wall por favor.

Notes for the psychics: Surface: Calm and intelligent and pretty much how he acts. Subsurface: You'll probably notice his 200-years-old-ness (his mind probably feels a lot, y'know, more lived-in or something than most other humans). He has a tight control over his emotions, he's kinda tired of life but not...suicidal...per se...and he has whopping great guilt issues that you ttly didn't know about before you went rooting around in his head. Oh and he knows the formula for immortality. (He learned it from a demon. Please don't steal it out of his head without asking me first.)
Can I shapeshift/bodyswitch/spit at/step on?: Ask for the first two, but probably yeah. Go right ahead for the second two. He won't care if you spit at him, bro.
Hugging/kissing/other nonviolent physical contact: Go riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight ahead!
Fighting: Sure why not. He'll fight back, at that.

Maim/murder/death: GET PERMISSION FOOL. Injuring him is probably fine, I'm a tad squeamish about killing him but talk me into it.
Cooking: He knows how to cook, having been a bachelor for 200+ years. You may not cook him.


wake up!, *ooc

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