Title: Envy
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Regulus/None
Challenge: 17- First Murder as a Death Eater
Rating: PG-13 for Murder
Notes: I've finally gotten around to post something, a first try. I hope it doesn't seem too awful. Enjoy.
He didn't expect it to feel like this. His first real mission. He'd thought he would either feel excited, or thrilled, or even scared (not that he'd ever admit it). He would never expect jealousy. Some part of him he thought was long dead stirred when he looked at the family in front of him, each member trying to protect the others desperately. Longing. Longing for a family that actually cared about each other. And he was so very jealous of the child hiding in that woman's arms.
"Adava Kedavra!"
He made the curse killed, voice dripping with bitter envy.