Horrible Memory, Here!olpluvrOctober 16 2004, 11:04:15 UTC
This summer screaming at you when you were with a bunch of kids from work as you were boarding a bus headed for Portland St.! Good ole' bus stop times!!!
In grade nine, when Sarah drew the picture of you and I said I'd buy it for 3cents on E-bay........ then she said that it was a pic of you... and I lowered my price to 1cent... you were mad and it was funny... :P **good times.... you know what I'm thinking.... lol**
Our first kiss lol we were at melissas party and we were playing that poker game pr what ever. Melissa was getting pissed cause chris kepted picking you. Then I picked you and we went in the room and i was like umm ya... we could play airhockey or something but i didnt really get to finish the sentence cause you already had your arms around me. lol
Then when we first started going out, i invited you aver to watch bruce almighty. We got through 3/4 before i asked you out then we didnt see the end of the movie lol
That's my favorite memory of you too. I would unlock them, but there are some people who I don't want reading them. You could always get a journal. I miss you. *hugs*
Comments 8
Then when we first started going out, i invited you aver to watch bruce almighty. We got through 3/4 before i asked you out then we didnt see the end of the movie lol
Love Ryan
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