I'm sorry, but last I checked, verterbrates and single celled amoebas aren't exact copies of each other. Sure, verterbrates originated from simgle celled amoebas, but there's quite a bit of evolution missing. There isn't such an evolutionary gap between Ninja Gaiden and Devil May Cry 2. The menu screens are pretty much the same; you collect orbs in both games - the more combos you get in the greater the orb; interaction with puzzle items is the same - right down to the language they use when describing the puzzle object. So, in short, if I hadn't played Devil May Cry first, and if I had an unhealthy obsession with ninjas like Daniel does, I would love this game and want its babies. But sadly, I can't love this game until I can get over the stark number of similarities between it, and the Devil May Cry series.
'Lo! - this is me, missmai_chan. If you haven't been seeing my journal entries appear on your flist, it's because I bloody well borked my journal putting a hidejournal program over it, so this is my new one.
Comments 10
Psychic :)
Next time I'll make it something more interesting :D
Glad to see a sign of life!
Those bastards.
Please add me as 'infloresence'. Chars muchly!!
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