Hangry & Angry
I really love this outfits, this collection is the Hangry & Angry and this time Naoto Hirooko was inspired in gothic cats and colors like black, white and red (like always), cat ears, tails and chains (well, like all his previous collections XD but the new here is the gothic cats XD).
$ 34.00 -- well, is a little bit expensive for a plush o_O
$ 166.00 -- the price worth it *__* I like the tail especially coz is fuzzy.
$ 65.00 -- awesome necktie.
$ 124.00 -- this is my favorite ... I like the Hungry & Angry inscription in this one, specialy the cats ...and the hood.
$ 61.00 -- I want this backpack *__*. But if I go to the university with this all my friends maybe fell a little bit scary -_- *they hate my anarchy Hello Kitty bag -_-*
But my favorites are the blood and anarchy collection anyway ... but this one really catch my attencion ....