Title: Lessons and Techniques to Study Pairing: Kyuhyun/ Sungmin Rating: PG Verse: expanded Type: Oneshot Words: 1,162 Summary: Kyuhyun had been busy with school lately, but Sungmin isn’t really complaining.
Title: 오래된 노래 Chapter Title: Scars that won’t Heal Characters: Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Sandeul Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst, slice of life, Drama Verse: Alternate Disclaimer: Storyline and plot from
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Title: Best for Last Pairing: Kyuhyun / Sungmin Verse: expanded Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Type: Drabble Words: 942 Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior Summary: Sungmin loves to save his strawberry (on his cake) for the last. Kyuhyun gives him a reason why he should stop doing that. “That’s my favorite part”
Title: Bunny Tales; Human Edition 3 Pairing: Kyuhyun/ Sungmin Rating: PG Genre: Fluff, fantasy Verse: Alternate, Bunny! Au Type: drabble series Words: 1, 331 Disclaimer: I do not own Super Junior Summary: The story of Kyuhyun and his pet Sungmin…with a little twist. Kyuhyun had to mentally slap himself for actually checking out his pet
Title: 오래된 노래 Chapter Title: Unexpected Partings Characters: Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Sandeul Rating: PG-13 Genre: Angst, slice of life, Drama Verse: Alternate Disclaimer: Storyline and plot from
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