Title: Kindred Souls Author: Reidluver Pairing/Characters: Gokudera, Mori (minor Tsuna, Reborn, Yamamoto, Bianchi) Rating: PG Warning: Spoilers for Koukyo Arc, Gokudera's language
Summary: Finding people with a protector complex so devoted it border-lined insanity was a rather rare occurrence. It was even rarer for two of them to meet.
Wow, I never noticed how many similarities Mori and Yamamoto have. (Will there be a scene in future chapters/one-shots in which Hayato will find out that Mori does indeed do kendo?)
I was really intrigued by the x-over and the characters, so I HAD to read it and I haven't been let down. It was a very nice read. Will be looking forward to the other 'chapters' <3
XD Yeah--to be honest it was those similarities that got be hooked on KHR. I was reading through Mori's wiki page, and in the trivia it said that he closely resembles Yamamoto Takeshi from KHR, and I decided to click on over...and the rest is history. XD
And sure. I'll make a note for that. Don't know exactly when it will happen though. I have the basic ideas all planned out for the chapters, but not the more nit-picky stuff.
Why thank you! :) I'm so pleased you weren't disappointed. A rather odd one to post I know, but I like them both so why not?
And your icon is awesome, btw. I cracked up so bad.
Comments 12
I was really intrigued by the x-over and the characters, so I HAD to read it and I haven't been let down. It was a very nice read. Will be looking forward to the other 'chapters' <3
And sure. I'll make a note for that. Don't know exactly when it will happen though. I have the basic ideas all planned out for the chapters, but not the more nit-picky stuff.
Why thank you! :) I'm so pleased you weren't disappointed. A rather odd one to post I know, but I like them both so why not?
And your icon is awesome, btw. I cracked up so bad.
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