(no subject)

Jan 05, 2007 14:58


best friend: Still the same, lol
lost any friends: Yes.
gained any friends: Yep :)

went out of the country: I was out of the country coming into the new year, lol
moved: Yep. Twice. LMAO
new school: No
how many times on an airplane: Once

have you changed: Sure. I change all the time.
most depressed time this year: Been a few ups and downs, lol
best time this year: When Patrick came home :)

did you get heartbroken: Kind of
who was your summer love: Haha, Patrick

favorite Season: I love them all :)
good birthday?: Sure :)
any snow this year: Nope. Doesn't snow here.

got arrested: Nope
kissed a boy/girl: Yep
had a crush: Still the same, LMAO
got dumped: Nope
lost a family member: Yes
got bad grades: XP
got a myspace: Had it
kept a secret: Yep
told a secret: No. I don't tell secrets.
done something you totally regret: No.

In 2006 I...

[x] broke a promise
[ ] made a new best friend
[x] fallen in or out of love
[x] lied
[x] cried over a broken heart
[ ] disappointed someone close
[x] hid a secret
[x] pretended to be happy
[x] kissed in the rain
[ ] slept under the stars
[ ] kept your new years resolution
[ ] met someone who changed my life
[ ] met one of your idols
[x] changed your outlook on life
[x] sat home all day doing nothing
[x] pretended to be sick
[x] left the country
[ ] almost died
[x] given up something important to you
[ ] lost something expensive
[x] learned something new about yourself
[x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
[x] made a change in your life
[x] found out who your true friends were
[ ] met great people
[x] stayed up til sunrise
[ ] pigged out over the summer
[x] cried over the silliest thing
[ ] partied all weekend
[ ] had friends who were drifting away from you
[x] had someone close to me die
[ ] had a high cell phone bill
[ ] wasted most of my money on food (God, this past summer -)
[ ] had a fist fight
[x] went to the beach
[ ] saw a celebrity
[x] gotten sick
[x] became closer to a lot of people

1. Will you be looking for a new job?
No, probably not, lol

2. Will you be looking for a new relationship?
Hell no

3. New house?
Not a house, but maybe apartment.

4. What will you do different in 07?
There'll be a few things.

5. New Years resolution?
Didn't make one, lol

6. What will you not be doing in 07?
No idea LMAO

7. Any trips planned?
Nothing definitely planned, no. Maybe a Disneyland trip. Gonna go on a couple of weekend road trips. :)

8. Wedding plans?
Not this year

9. What's on your calendar?
OMG Too many things

10. What can't you wait for?
Erm....lots of things... :)

11. What would you like to see happen different?
People being nicer on the road

12. What about yourself will you be changing?
Devoting more time to school.

13. What happened in '06 that you didn't think would ever happen?
School problems. :(

14. Will you be nicer to the people you care about?
I'm already nice... :) But can't do harm in being nicer.

15. Will you dress differently this year than you did in '06?
No, probably not. At least nothing drastic.

16. Will you start or quit drinking?
Nope. I don't have any interest in being drunk.

17. Will you better your relationship with your family?

18. Will you do charity work?

19. Will you go to bars?
Probably, but not to get drunk

20. Will you be nice to people you don't know?
Always am, but sure :)

21. Do you expect '07 to be a good year for you?
Yes :)

22. How much did you change from this time last year til now?
I'm more focused on what I actually want to do now and more driven.

23. Do you plan on having a child?

24. Will you still be friends with the same people you are friends with now?
Probably, yep

25. Major lifestyle changes?
No, not really

26. Will you be moving?
Maybe. ... Well, yes, I will be, LOL

27. What will you make sure doesn't happen in '07 that happened in '06?
School issues. ::kicks::

28. What were your New Years Eve plans?
:D Went to Disneyland!

29. Did you have someone to kiss at midnight?
Sure did!

30. One wish for '07?
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