CHARACTERS: Yufu Sekka, YOU. Yes, even you in the back row, you're welcome to join as well.
LOCATION/SETTING: One of the music rooms?
DATE & TIME Thursday Afternoon. Or alternatively, NOW.
WARNINGS Lots of piano playin'. 8O
SUMMARY: Yufu has found a piano. WHAT DO.
[ Yufu was taking a break, and exploring the school a little more. It would be embarrassing if she still got lost when the regular term started up again, wouldn't it? So yeah. She's trying to make sure she has a good idea of where everything is.
... and then she found the music room.
The door was unlocked and the lights were on, so she assumed it was all right to come into the room, even despite the fact that other than that, the room seemed to be empty. She took a look around, eyes widening at the sight of all the instruments ...
but then her gaze turned toward a piano in one corner of the room. She moved toward it, lifting the case over the keyboard and setting it up, running a hand over the slightly dusty keys. She sat down before the piano, started to play a simple melody.
the piano still seemed in-tune ...
and from there, she started to play more embellished, elaborate melodies. she was in her own little world now. ]