CHARACTERS: Kuri, Firo and everybody else in Reims
LOCATION/SETTING: All over the school
DATE & TIME September 14, all day
WARNINGS Vicious tennis balls, possibly swearing (will update as needed)
SUMMARY: Tennis ball mayhem
With school back in session, certain students have found it necessary to liven things up. What better way to kick off the years than with a little prank? That's why on September 14, students and faculty will find that their school has been besieged by tennis balls.
Kuri and Firo have put them wherever they could manage: lockers, closets and -for some extra unlucky individuals- backpacks. Even the janitor's closet has not been spared. Have fun!
[ ooc: Tag in (whichever format you prefer) with your character's reaction to the mayhem and mingle with other people. If you didn't reply to the ooc post, but still want your character's locker/backpack, etc. to be hit, feel free to just put it here! ]