Rumble at the Rink [Open]

Oct 28, 2011 18:15

CHARACTERS: Everyone who is super cool
LOCATION/SETTING: The gymnaium and some of the surrounding area.
DATE & TIME: October 29th, Evening
WARNINGS: Kids Partying! Depends on what shenanigans people get up to... if it turns 18+, you should probably take it to a separate log.
SUMMARY: REIMS HALLOWEEN PARTY! Organized by the Student Council and Student Ambassadors, come one and all for games, dancing, music and costumes!

It's Halloween! Okay, not quite, but it's the Saturday before Halloween since the Student Council decided (after being leaned on by the faculty) that it would be better to host late-night activities on a weekend instead of Monday night. The gymnasium has been done up in orange and black, the path outside is lined with jack-o-lanterns and it there's music playing inside - popular songs for now, though there's going to be a live band on stage later. The inside of the gym has all kinds of refreshments and candies as well as a large space for dancing and mingling. There's a few booths for various activities and games as well as the food drive collection, but there's a lot more outside of the gym too! Anything you think a good Halloween party/carnival should have, it's probably there! Almost everything is student or staff run, but you never know what kind of talents your fellows might have...

-This is a school run event, so there will be chaperons looking to break up any fighting, indecent touching or other no-nos at the party... but the lighting is suitably "spooky", so you might be able to get away with things...
-They'll also be pulling aside any students with inappropriate costumes, both because of indecent exposure/inappropriately sexy or being too gory/distasteful.
-Activities: GO WILD. Feel free to say your students are playing at or running any kind of booth or event, like raffles, fortune telling, games, anything you can think of! Keep it a bit reasonable though, since they'd have to be staff pre-approved for the event.
-Posting Style: Make a thread with the subject heading "Location/Activiy - Character - Open/Closed to [Character(s)]" for each place/event/time during the party you want. So feel free to make as many of these as you want for different places/events/times, and feel free to hop into any Open threads or make new responses to headers! And don't forget to tag yourself into the log!
-Definite Headings/Events Happening or Prompt Ideas:
--Costume Contest
--Band Performance by Shin (a_hired_pistol)+Marisa (a_digital_witch)+Kuri (blackandbluemix) and possibly others!
--A Haunted House set up in one of the nearby side-buildings
--Fortune Telling
--Bobbing for Apples
--"that thing where you're blindfolded and someone takes you around a room and sticks your hands in bowls of peeled grapes and cold spaghetti"
--Anything you see other people doing!
-Have fun!]

aya shameimaru, marisa kirisame, sakuya izayoi

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