Dec 25, 2003 13:29

I figured I should whip up one of these up. I'm not going to connect myself to my real LJ, but I will connect myself to reinedelareine where I might write some stuff as myself. Not sure yet.

I'm not going to crosspost my answers to theatrical_muse questions in here because it really bothers me having to read everything twice on my friends' list and I'm choosing to be slightly less of a hypocrite than I already am. Instead, you can find my posts in the community in my memories. [Edit: You can also find Frank's comment RPs in there - yes, I KNOW he's got a one track mind. If you want to find more RPs, try hunting about in any RHPS canon pups journals as he'll probably talk casually with them and I might forget to archive it.]

*thinks* What else? I'm probably going to friends-lock entries (without groups though). Theoretically, everyone in the community is on my friends list but if you don't seem to see any other entries and you're a newer member, I may have missed you. Just comment and I'll add you. Sorry.

[Edit: This is not true as of March 10, 2003. I have culled the friends list as explained here. Comment to be added.]

That's it.
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