Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I feel the cool breeze of fall upon us! yayayayayay *kermit flail*
I will also be seeing Panic! in Jersey woohoo ^^ That's ... 6/7 times this year so far? lolol I don't even remember.
Black Cards was insane! Pete wasn't playing the bass; he was DJ'ing/running around/hugging Bebe/giving her noogies/throwing toilet paper, t shirts/spraying silly string/crowd surfing... Bebe looked GORGEOUS and she was urging all the girls to come up and dance/help her sing, but the lazy/mean security guards wouldn't let them up :///// HOWEVER, some girls got up there with the help of ZACK (yup, that Zack) and Pete's bodyguard. It was crazy. They had two dancers coming out in full wolf heads, and their dancing wasn't coordinated or anything. It was pretty cool/hilarious. There were also cameos by a dancer (Ice?) who was part pop locker/contortionist (acted as a microphone for Bebe once) and Shaggy. BC also covered some FBR stuff including Stereo Heart. Pete mentioned that it had been a shitty year for him (collective awwwwwwwww btw and Pete responded by making a boohoo face and knuckling at his eyes), but to come out and have fun and make music made it better (or something like that).
Neon Trees was awesome (like always!!!)
But let's face it... I was there for Panic! There were no steampunk props which made the downtime between sets super short (the shortest ever, prob. for panic lol). It got pretty crazy. Brendon even did a shout out for Jersey and brought out Neon Trees to do a cover of Springsteen's Born to Run. Taylor wanted to know where his Courney Cox was (... which turned out to be Spencer, btw, but we'll get to that). During Brendon's acoustic cover of "Always", he dedicated it to Spencer. Spencer, very stealthily, snuck out in front of the stage and stared up at Brendon singing (d'awww). Then, he made a very triumphant exit with victory arms, high fiving the hands reaching out to him (not gonna lie, I also had my hand out. high five!). Then later there was a spontaneous singing of Happy Birthday for Spencer, starting from the middle of the barrier, which eventually the entire crowd took up. (D'awwww).
Now, let's get to Brendon's antics, which gets its own categories. There was random falsettos, growling, screaming, and lots of camping it up. There was also sharing a mike with Dallon, like literally lip to lip sharing, shaking his cleavage at Spencer (a la belly dancers), fellating and licking the mike at Spencer, and of course, an excellent cover of Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get it On." Nice. (Dallon possibly wasn't feeling the love on our side, so he sashayed over stage left and licked his guitar for us all over. Ummm).
There were of course a few bras tossed on stage, one was tossed on immediately within minutes of their first song, but I don't think anyone noticed it. (it said... Brendon Urie, Call me. I'm assuming the other cup had her number?) The hot pink bra ended up gracing the chest of one of their guitar techs.
Pete moments! Pete was on the side stage singing "Hurricane" along with Brendon. Brendon noticed him and started griiiiiinning and laughing which just encouraged Pete to lip sync even more exaggeratedly (Why is this a rare pair?). During the encore, Brendon intro'ed "Time to Dance" by saying this was the first song they ever played for Pete before he signed them, so it's appropriate that he comes out to play the bass with them. Which he did. With huuuuge smiles all around, and lots of hugs.
Ummm, I'll post more when I remember more?