Title - The Unexpected Author - ortsi Genre- drama Rating - PG13 - R Pairing - ReitaxUruha Disclaimers - I do not own them. Summary - When something unexpected happens. Will they survive but more importantly can they keep going?
Title - Too sexy to touch Author - ortsi Genre - AU, SMUT Rating - NC17 Pairing - ReitaxUruha Warning - vampire Disclaimers - I don't own them. Summary - Their lives after telling the hidden truth A/N: This is continuing of Night creature. Too sexy to touch
Title - Sunset surprise Author - ortsi Genre - Romance Rating - PG Pairing - ReitaxUruha Disclaimers - I don't own them. Summary - There was surprise waiting in the shore.
Title - Birthday boy Author - ortsi Genre - AU Rating - PG13 Pairing - ReitaxUruha, AoixUruha Disclaimers - I don't own them. Summary - It was day when someone dear turns one year older.
Title - Tour bus Author - ortsi Genre - Smut Rating - NC17 Characters - ReitaxUruha Disclaimers - I don't own them. Summary - Reita was feeling restless.
Title - Pirate Ship Author - ortsi Genre - AU,smut Rating - NC17 Characters - ReitaxUruha Disclaimers - I don't own them. Summary - Famous captain and his crew sailed till they needed to fill their supplies
Title - The Unexpected Author - ortsi Beta - eilonwe2 Genre- drama Rating - PG13 - R Pairing - ReitaxUruha Disclaimers - I do not own them. Summary - When something unexpected happens. Will they survive but more importantly can they keep going?
Title - The Unexpected Author - ortsi Beta - eilonwe2 Genre- drama Rating - PG13 - R Pairing - ReitaxUruha Disclaimers - I do not own them. Summary - When something unexpected happens. Will they survive but more importantly can they keep going?