So far, Sync's affections chart is based on his canon experience, affections are subject to change depending on how everyone has/will grow during their time on Atlas.
Anise Tatlin - Annoyance, Sync find her patronizing and annoying, and loves teasing her. Tone down the harshness of their taunts and have them do it in a non-high-tension situation and they'd seem like regular young adults.
Asch the Bloody - Traitor. Sync dislikes Asch quite a bit, but they worked together, so depending on how receptive the man is to the idea, Sync may hang around him for the sake of familiarity. Knowing how anti-social Asch is though, it will likely escalate into a fight whenever they cross paths until one changes.
Dist the Reaper - Ugh, the most irritating excuse for a human being ever. Even a Replica of him would have to do better because perhaps by some miracle it would be less arrogant and effeminate. Sync is likely to avoid the man like the plague and pester Asch just for the excuse of not even being seen with this traitor.
Guy Cecil - Intriguing. The man saw Sync's true face, but never revealed his findings to his friends even when he knew the truth himself. It always interested Sync that he lost his original purpose in life and found a new one. More still he was interested because he seemed to be the only other person besides Tear that resisted Van's inherent charisma.
- Seventh(Ion) - Jealousy. Utter jealousy. He can't say he hates Ion, but Sync feels such a bitter jealousy that might rival Asch's for Luke. Ever since they were both created, Sync has had to watch Ion live the role both of them were created for, but only one could fill. They have a complicated relationship that needs deep exploration as out of his jealousy and fear of discovery, Sync probably avoided Ion like the plague.
Jade Curtiss - Irritating, Sync, like most cannot stand the man. Mostly because it becomes a trial just asking for the time of day, and this is just from observing his interactions with the rest of the group from a distance. Part of the reason he exists, he dislikes the man, but does not blame him centrally, because he did not force Van or Mohs to turn to Fomicry for their Fon Master dilemma.
Luke fon Fabre - Useless. Sync. Can. Not. Stand. Luke. Because he managed to nudge out his still living Original, and then will not take his place in the role. It's not like Asch can just waltz in and say, "I'm here, get lost." Anymore than the Original Ion could have if he were still alive. Yet he questions himself more than the God-General, and it produces a kind of helplessness Sync can not tolerate. Especially if he has designs to actually kill Van.
- Tear Grants - Neutrality. Sync does not feel strongly about Tear one way or the other. Of course he plans to stop her should she interfere, but she merely plays the part of a soldier doing their duty, without a terrible amount of self-righteous claims other than she and Van see differently. Sync does not respect anyone, but she might come the closest.