The 6-headed combo might not be worth it, not entirely sure about the stuff the fiendish template gives. Mainly due to the fact that the centipede has more things to go for it. The 12-headed combo, I think, is worth it. A centipede, no matter how big, can get that many attacks. That's the trade-off you make, seeing as all the special abilities don't come with it.
Well the fiendish template gives smite good, Dr5/magic, resistance to cold 5, and fire 5, spell resistance 11, and the centipede has poison. However the centipede has only 33hp and the hydra 66hp. But its only attack is Bite +5 melee (2d6+4 plus poison) Poly'd into a hydra it would be 6 bites +6 melee (1d10+3)
This is all without augment summoning by the way. This means the centipede gets +12 hp, +2 fort, +2 on attack rolls and damage rolls. But if I poly the centipede into a hydra, does the bonus get lost? Does the +4 str and +4 con enchantment bonus come on top of the hydra's base stats? Or does it 'stay' on the centipede and when I poly I use just the base stats of the hydra?
Comments 3
The 12-headed combo, I think, is worth it. A centipede, no matter how big, can get that many attacks. That's the trade-off you make, seeing as all the special abilities don't come with it.
However the centipede has only 33hp and the hydra 66hp.
But its only attack is Bite +5 melee (2d6+4 plus poison)
Poly'd into a hydra it would be 6 bites +6 melee (1d10+3)
This is all without augment summoning by the way. This means the centipede gets +12 hp, +2 fort, +2 on attack rolls and damage rolls.
But if I poly the centipede into a hydra, does the bonus get lost? Does the +4 str and +4 con enchantment bonus come on top of the hydra's base stats? Or does it 'stay' on the centipede and when I poly I use just the base stats of the hydra?
NE Large outsider (evil, extraplanar, yugoloth)
Senses blind, blindsense 120ft.; Listen +11
Languages Abyssal, infernal; telepathy 100ft
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (-1 size, +2 dex, +6 natural)
hp 57 hp (5d8+25 HD); DR5/good
Immune acid, fire, gaze attacks, illusions, poison, visual effects
Resist cold and electricity 10 SR 15
Fort +9, Ref +6, Will +3
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.
Melee 4 piercing tentacles +12 each (1d6+8) and 2 claws +10 each (1d6+5)
Space 10ft Reach 10ft, 20ft with tentacles
Base Atk +5; Grp +21
Atk Options Combat reflexes(+2), aligned strike (Evil), rend 2d6+11+2 (hit with both claws)
Abilities Str 26, Dex 15, Con 21, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 7
SQ scentless
Feats Combat reflexes, Multiattack
Skills Climb +22, Diplomacy +0, Move Silently +10, Sense motive +7, Survival +7
Which is including the bonuses.
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