Cracky Doctor Who S05 Theories

May 02, 2010 17:39

Here be some really cracky theories.

"Time can shift. Time can change. Time can be re-written."

“One day there’s gonna be a very big bang - so big that every moment in history, past and future, will crack.”

Things I firmly believe: There are TWO Doctors here on the Byzantium. See my previous post for my rational.


Crack theory #1:  Time has already splintered, history’s already being re-written. The version we’ve been following is Doctor 11.1; The jacket belongs to Doctor 11.2 (future doctor), and for some unexplained reason 11.2 needs to participate in this timeline.

If this is the case, then between the time Doctor 11.1 leaves his coat with the Angels and the time he re-joins the crowd in the forest, he had to stop for an off-screen chat with Doctor 11.2. I say this, because the Doctor giving the orders in the next scene says

Doctor: “If anything happens to her, I’ll hold every single one of you responsible, twice. River - You and me are going to go find the primary flight deck which is …
…quarter of a mile straight ahead.”

“Twice” implies he knows there’s two versions of himself present. If they've just bumped into each other and had a chat, which one are we looking at? Everyone's assuming it's Doctor 11.1.....

Now, here’s where I get even crackier - because it’s entirely possible that when the Doctor’s met, they switched places (and presumably jackets)!!! This would mean that in the following scene, we’re actually seeing Doctor 11.2 giving the orders, and running off with River and Octavian. It would also explain the weird “Finger pointy” thing he he does - it seemingly comes out of nowhere, where in reality, we the audience just don’t know that part of the story yet.

11.2 is still with River/Octavian when Octavian is captured by the Angel. Right before this scene, the Doctor does the weird “finger pointy” thing again, and comments:

Time can be unwritten.

We cut to Amy, then back to Doctor 11.2, who is complaining about how all of Victorian England just “forgot” about the CyberKing and no one remembers … Which seems like a strange thing to focus on. I mean, we’ve no evidence that no one remembers the CyberKing. But, if this is still Doctor 11.2, and we’re missing that part of the story, and this makes more sense. To me, this is more proof that the Doctor with Octavian and River is a later, more informed Doctor.  Doctor 11.2 knows that once the timelines are reset, the current timeline vanishes. (This is why he’s not overly concerned at the loss of life in this episode. He knows that once time is snapped back into place, the events occurring today will be wiped from existence.)

This would mean Doctor 11.1 is comforting Amy, and is the one encouraging her to remember what happened when she was seven...

Amy: ”Doctor, the crack in my wall … How can it be here? 
Doctor:  “I don’t know yet, but I’m working it out,“

The Doctor’s referring to 11.2, who has explained part of the story to 11.1, but is still trying to figure out all the details.

Presumably, the Doctors would need to switch back at some point. I suggest that the switch happened somewhere in the huge gap between dumping the Angels into the time crack, and the ending scene on the beach. Amy comments that she climbed out of the ship with her eyes closed (which means she wouldn’t have seen them switch back), and the cut did seem suspiciously abrupt at the time, don’tcha think? :)


We still don’t know how time splintered. Presumably something involving the Pandorica and Amy. The Doctor discovered the when:

Doctor: “The date, the date of the explosion, where the crack begins ….”
River: “And for those of us who can’t read the base code of the universe?

Doctor: “Amy’s time.”

So P-day is 26/06/2010 - “The date of the explosion when the crack begins.” (Incidentally, that’s Amy’s wedding day). But we’re still missing the how. I’m leaning on the side of “Amy has somehow triggered the re-write, and now she doesn’t remember how or why.”

Maybe someone gave Amy the Pandorica as a wedding present? (*Laugh*)

It’s not impossible to suggest the Doctor caused time to splinter, either. He’s certainly interfered in established events before (Can you say Adelaide?)  but one would hope he’s learned his lesson.

Want to hear some real crack? Read on :)


Crack Theory 2: Baby!Amy met the Doctor once, but he never came back. She lived out her life in ridicule (and therapy!) without the Doctor ever returning. She tried to live her fantasy with Rory (who went into the medical profession, but became a nurse, not a doctor), but he never measured up to her magical Raggedy Doctor in the blue box.

Somehow, Amy’s found the Pandorica which grants her greatest wish: A chance to have the Doctor return. This “Little mermaid”-type fairytale opportunity changes the Doctor’s future. The Doctor has already got a paradox loop he needs to complete with River; if he doesn’t survive to give her the sonic screwdriver and get her to the Library, both his and River’s timelines implode.  When Amy’s wish disrupts those events, time starts to crack.

The series we’ve been watching is Amy’s post-wish timeline. Just like Disney’s Ariel, Amy has a time limit - she needs to get the Doctor to her kiss her before until 26/06/2010 to keep the new timeline in place. Ergo, the attack of the kiss-o-gram girl/smooch-y scene the end of F&S!

(Hey! I said it was Crack!)

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