I should be doing twenty other things right now. Instead, I'm posting this. And then, I'm going to go do the things on my To-Do List before I let myself come back and answer.
Swiped from everyone, ever, on my flist. Give me a name of a character I've played, past or present, and I will tell yooooooou ...
01.) Full name?
02.) Best friend?
03.) Sexuality?
04.) Favorite color?
05.) Relationship status?
06.) Ideal mate?
07.) Turn-ons?
08.) Last sexual experience?
09.) Favorite food?
10.) Crushes?
11.) Favorite music?
12.) Biggest fear?
13.) Biggest fantasy?
14.) Quirks in bed?
15.) Bad habits?
16.) Biggest regret?
17.) Best kept secrets?
18.) Last thought?
19.) Worst sexual/romantic experience?
20.) Biggest insecurity?