I saw this on
weesta and
caarirose 's journals
Type these words into the search bar on your iTunes and list the first song that appears in the results.
happy: Everybody's Gonna Be Happy - The Kinks
love: Radar Love - Golden Earring
hate: We Hate You, Please Die - Crash and the Boys (Scott Pilgrim vs the World OST)
light: Lights - Scissor Sisters
dark: Whistling in the Dark - They Might be Giants
good: Goody Two Shoes - Adam Ant
bad: Bad Reputation - The Hit Girls (also have the original by Joan Jett, but this one popped up first)
smile: Smile Like You Mean It - The Killers
cry: Crystal Ship - The Doors
girl: Fat-Bottomed Girls - Queen
boy: Lonely Boy - The Black Keys
sad: Sexy Sadie - The Beatles
lost: Lost Not Forgotten - Dream Theater
night: Whatever Happened to Saturday Night - Rocky Horror Picture Show OST
day: Brand New Day - NPH, Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog OST
wolf: Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
robot: Mr Roboto - Styx
dance: Hungarian Dances no.5 - Brahms
time: Philosophy of Time Travel - Donnie Darko OST
life: The Good Life - Three Days Grace
death: O Death - Jen Titus