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May 23, 2006 21:35

To start off with Saturday.
I woke up in the morning at 10 and realized that my whole day was already planned out for me and I had no time for anything extra inbetween. In the morning I went to Walgreens, Kohl's, the mall, and the library with my mom. Which I hadn't done in months. My mom is an abysmal driver and she definately fits into the whole Asian women stereotype in which they can't drive. I have to clutch the side of the door handle because I get so nervous and scared. This was finished around 2 and I rushed home, took a 10 minute shower, ate lunch, and then drove back to Urbana to Clark Lindsay to watch Daniel's violin recital. I stayed until around 4:30 and then drove over to Nuole's house. We left her house to go to Josie's house at around 5. Got to my house so I could grab all of my stuff for Prom and Post Prom and everything involving the rest of that night, and then headed off to Josie's. Dropped Nuole off and then drove to the Country Club to pick up Roveiza (passed a few bad drivers along the way going about 60 down windsor). Got called at 5:30, realized I had to be at Daniel's in a little over an hour, and I was driving in a car, no where near ready to be ready for Prom. picked up Roveiza, sped all the way to Josie's, got there at 5:50 and with 40 minutes to get ready. I have to say that that was the fastest and quickest and most stressful and most efficient amount of 40 minutes. It involved a lot of talking, a whole box of TicTacs and a lot of speeding, and of course a lot of stress and rushedness.

Got to Daniel's at the time said. And then was bombarded by his mom to take thousands of pictures. Daniel's mom is so cute and so excited, even more so than most of us. Of course the pictures had to include AirSoft guns and appropriate "hardcore" music to set the mood, because you just can't not include those. no joke. in all seriousness. Boutinieres were a little hard to pin on, but after all of that adventure we headed off to Kennedy's. Compliments were given, small talk was made, and the required chilvarous things were dealt with. The dinner was nice, lots of entertaining stories, very good food (that involved dessert which was comprised up of a lot of chocolate), found a chessboard in the girl's bathroom, it was nice and pretentious (but in the best of ways) and high class with 90% of the diners being people who were headed off to Prom. Then we headed off to Prom over at the Country Club (overall the whole night was full of high class and things that are supposed to be there for the most cliche Prom).
and yes, music does set the mood differently.
It was nice and calm and the lights were gorgeous and the night air, and it just felt like, even in a car, you could smell the air and the atmosphere and it was just a surreal environment. Picked right out of a movie, scenes from the city.
The actual Prom was pretty good. There was good food, good music, nice red carpet, nice lights, there just wasn't anything wrong with it. Everyone looked gorgeous. the time passed really quickly, and when I look back on it, I guess it did seem kind of like Prom. During that time it just felt like some other dance, but now, it feels more surreal.
After Prom was Sergei's house--> changing--> CRCE, which was full of hot tubbing, volleyball, wheelbarrow races, volleyball, SPUD, and just constant motion. It wasn't typical of what a "cliche" post prom was supposed to be, but it seemed to work.
Then breakfast, and then Daniel's for a little Digimon and lots of sleep.
All in all, I thought it was really enjoyable. Company was nice, the atmosphere was nice, moods were nice. It wasn't the cliche romantic, chick-flick Prom, but it was something by itself. There are always things you wish you could redo better, there are situations you wish you could change, there are things you wish you could've said, and there are always regrets. but it's over, and it was fun and excellent, and right now there aren't many things I'd want to change about it. Maybe a real goodbye? a hug?

I had my last piano recital this weekend, which was kind of bittersweet. Though I don't like practicing piano, it's an odd thought to me that I won't have it there to force me to play on the piano once a week. Sometimes it's really soothing and it really does help to play a few pieces that you truly enjoy. And I think I'm going to miss that, and I hope that it won't disappear from my life forever.

there's something to be said about words unspoken, and there's another thing to be said about words unspoken that you wish you had said, that you never know, might have made that one centimeter of difference.

It's interesting how when you look back on things that happened days ago you forget things that went wrong and you start to remember what's best.

Yearbooks come out tomorrow. and it's always around this time that the year really does seem over. I had my last Sports Awards Assembly, which reminded me that basketball is actually over. It actually finally hit me that I'm never really going to ever step on that court in uniform and play another game. It's just over. Tomorrow is my last concert. Thursday is the last Awards Assembly. Everything is coming to a close. my high school life and career is ending. And it's... unnerving. I mean, I don't want to say bye. I hope Graduation won't take that long to hit.

lately there's been a lot of just hanging out afterschool. and it's been nice.
I'm loving this year's end of school, but I hate how we have to leave. I don't think I can do it. I'm just beginning to truly appreciate these people. and for some, love may not be too strong of a word. and hate and dislike might be too strong.
I realized this during our small senior focus group during 7th hour.
This place and these people have made up at least 5/18, a little over 1/4 of my life. I can't just up and leave.

everything's just going so fast that my mind can't keep up and I don't believe anything's actually happening.

I tend to laugh to myself or outloud, or giggle or look uncomfortable or glance back and forth or look down at the ground when there's silence. I know I don't deal well with it. I also have trouble saying anything, especially random things, to people I like. It's too hard. Conversation is too hard--> which then leads to silences. when normally I just can't stop.
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