Ode to Megness.
Once upon a time… *cough* Wait, this isn’t a fairytale folks.
See, last year I wrote this looooong smooshy post about my darlin’ Soully - Meg [
strangecreature] and well I wanted to do something the same and more this year
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Comments 39
*squeaks* Ooh, I love that plot…
Ha! What an entrance! X-D Great banter between the boys.
Aw, Lindsey calls them ‘my girls’… *pets*
Aaaaand *wibbles*. Here’s another true story for you: I’ve become jaded. Not a lot of people can write Lindsey and make me feel it anymore, because I’m usually just sitting there thinking, “Okay, now how would my rpg-Lindsey have said that?” and making all manner of comparisons. But his little speech there, with the choking up and the glass throwing, that was perfect. I felt that, alright.
“Things were fine.”
“They were lies.”
Gah. That about sums up the difference between those two perfectly, doesn’t it? And the last line made me squeak with glee again, because… yes. They could do that. They could definitely do that. *makes memo to tag over there pronto*
Lindsey/Spike - Second BestThree cheers for drunken Spike-musings! Especially the fact that he’s thinking about ‘human nature’ without any note of irony. *g* Fun prickly back-and-forth, a twist on the canon meeting that ( ... )
9 - It's sad, that was the one that I had to agonize over writing, I write Spike worse than Faith. lol.
10 - *grin* This is prob one of my faves too....And I'm surprised you didn't comment on the way Angelus turned our boy... *smirk*
Alas, I must head to bed... more comments to come tomorrow! *huggles*
Ohhh tonight you have your musical. *jealous*
Lindsey & Holland - Father Figure
Okay, the title made me burst into song for just a moment there, but I’m okay now, I promise. *snerk*
Aww… he won’t let go of his guitar. Nice touch.
“Everything you need will be taken care of, to set you up, and we will take a small percent out of each paycheck until the debt is paid off.”
And, y’know, your immortal soul, but never mind that pesky detail. Holland, Holland, Holland, talking about ‘gifts’ and ‘loans’… It’s sad, because we’ve all run into people like this is real life, haven’t we? And yet, it’s things like that that I think would go a long way in explaining the power dynamic between Lindsey and Holland on the show.
And an absolutely killer closing line to top it off! Rock on!
Lindsey & Connor - Second ChancesIiiinteresting! Baby Connor’s bound and determined to wind up with someone who just might raise him as a weapon against Angel, isn’t he? This could be the start of a seriously neat AU ( ... )
L/C would be a great AU but I can't write Dru for very long anymore. It's detrimental to my health.
L/D I made Court die with the line about Lola running on rust. *beam* You so know they'd end up in a strip club. It's so them.
O/T I love these two together as friends. So much it's sad.
S/C hehe only RPS for you. IU miss our game SO much too. *sigh* God they're hot *G*
Chase/Cameron - Take, Have… Now
Two hours later Cameron’s kitchen looked like a flour bomb exploded with bits of egg and oil all over the kitchen, covering Chase as well.
You absolutely win for making me giggle at that mental image. :-D (And he would know how to cook, wouldn’t he, given how he was raised. I never really thought of that!)
Aw! She called him ‘Robert’ and I really did just go ‘aww!’ out loud. X-D I love this pairing because the smallest damn thing can still make me go all fangirly.
“Thought it’d be nice to surprise you with…”
“A mess in the kitchen,”
Bwahahaha! Yeah, that’s the other reason I like them. The snark. *g* And Cameron’s line there at the end made me melt again. There’s so neat. I really hope the writers love playing around with that relationship as much as we do! :-D
I think we need to have a summer game with these two, seriously.
Homework is evil. Very evil.
Said the spider to the fly. Loved seeing Lindsey's start at W&H and Brad! His hand donor!
“I knew you’d come like a good puppy.” She snapped her teeth and growled before she bubbled with laughter. That is *so* Drusilla, woman. :) “Belongs to you.” And ouch!
appalled at how someone could let their car get like that let alone drive it in public. *snickers* this sounds like my brother's father-in-law. Ha.
And a big aww to the River, Badger. :) Good job, dear. That's buttload of fic.
House’s reaction to sunshine gives me so much joy. He’s like the Grinch. Only less green. And possibly snarkier.
*squeak!* Oddly, I could totally still see something like that happening. It would *destroy* Chase, but I could see it happening.
And despite my poor little Chase/Cameron-shipper heart, the ending still totally made me giggle. :-D
Chase/House - Don’t Leave (Or as I originally typo’d it ‘Don’t Lease’. O_o In which House gives Chase some sage real estate advice…?)
“It’s a crooked letter - like our billing department - and it comes right before Z and after W.”
Arrrgh, House! I tell you, I hate arguing with people can counter every-damn-thing with a punchline. X-D Poor Chase.
Really, really adore this ficlet. You touched on all the little subtleties that I’d been thinking about during that episode, which absolutely rocks my socks. This little scene could totally fit right into an episode. :-D
Wilson/House - Bachelors
“House,” the word sounded more like a curse than anything…Hee! Oh, we’ve ( ... )
18 - What scares me is that writing the House snark came wayyyyy too easy for me to write. It was a bit jaring. lol.
19 - We've all heard that tone! haha. They are so defunct. It's workable.
20 - Awww ty. I loved writing it, I love them shipped together and their 'plot' started in my head like the House/Cam one but this seemed to fit better.
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