i missed the Unseen concert, i am so fuckin pissed off. i forgot to check god damned tour dates and didnt even know it was last night. ah well, i was sick anyways, but still, fuckin sucks
dude i went to that.. the show wasnt insane, in was unsane a whole new fucking level man. if i ever call you ill tell you all about it. it was a weird package tho, loved ones and strike anywhere and negelected super heros and of coure the power house from boston.dude read my entry on this shit. ( i hunged out with marky!!)
oh say can you see? with the blindfold so tight? what so proudly we hail, is merely a faction, whose dull stripes and false stars through the murderous fights on our tvs we watch, as our children die starving, and the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, give proof to us all, that the flag doesnt care, oh say does that star spangle banner of hate!!!!!! for the land of the decieved, and the home of the saved!!!!!!!
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