
Feb 04, 2005 22:44

omg!!! tonight was like the best ever!!! i went to the movies with like hayley n kia n charn jules n han n skyler n ryan n drew n nicole and whole bunch of other people!!! it was awesome! we didnt go in bu we went up to the sco0p and stuff and hung out infront of the movies and stuff. oh and we all ogt mooned by coree while he was stanidin in the ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

onthawaydownx3 February 4 2005, 19:53:05 UTC
ahh that was so much fun! like the best night ever-gotta do it again next friday ;)
<3 hannah


remembermex February 4 2005, 19:54:46 UTC
psh yeh we do!!


_lifeless_ashes February 5 2005, 12:22:22 UTC
haha yeah that was fun ! remember wen lindsey was tryen to pour coke in chars drink thru tha straw cause she ran out .. haha ! that fight with magazines was so fun.


hmmm anonymous February 6 2005, 19:24:54 UTC


Re: hmmm anonymous February 7 2005, 15:19:40 UTC
your high? yeh i bet. ×3.


remembermex February 7 2005, 15:55:37 UTC
and who would you be??


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