Title: Mnemonic (One Man Army Mix)
rokeonSummary: Three things that never happened to Sojourner.
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Character: John Sheppard
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Everything you recognize belongs to the SciFi channel and the original writers, not me.
Original story:
Mnemonic, or Four Ways John Sheppard Didn't Lose His Mind, part 1, by
cupidsbow (
Mnemonic (One Man Army Mix) )
Comments 7
The part that fascinates me most is the limited amnesia. On and off, I've been thinking about picking this story up and continuing it, and while I had also decided John was enhanced, becoming a meta-human after the explosion, I hadn't thought he might have such limited amnesia. It's a brilliant idea though.
Thank you.
*goes to re-read*
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