signup form should be fairly simple to fill out but here are step-by-step instructions:
Step 1. Choose your pseud
The Archive allows you to have numerous pseudonyms linked to one account. This is where you choose the one you'd like to sign up for Remix with.
Step 2. Select your eligible fandoms
In the "Request" section, under Fandoms 1- 5, check off up to five (5) qualifying fandom(s) in which you've written at least five (5) stories of 500 or more words AND/OR the qualifying fandom(s) in which you've written at least seven (7) stories of at least 100 words (excluding crossovers, works in progress, previous remixes you've written and your safe story if you have one).
You must click on the link that says "53 more fandoms to choose from" to get the full list. It is a link, even though your cursor may not behave like it is.
Step 3. List your fic index URL, safe story, and previous remixes written
In the URL where your stories may be found box, please enter the URL for your website or the index of your stories
In the Safe story and previous remixes written box, please enter the name of your "safe story" if you've got one
Also in the Safe story and previous remixes written box, please enter the name(s) of the story(ies) you've written for past Remix challenges. (If these are too numerous, please make sure they're clearly marked on your index/website)
Step 4. List your optional fandoms
Optional tags are for fandoms in which you are eligible but which are not on the qualifying fandoms list (listing optional fandoms is no guarantee of being matched on them). You must use the AO3 canonical version of the tag for that fandom, so it's wise to do a search to see how your fandoms are listed before filling out the form, as the form will not accept non-canonical variations of fandom tag names.
Step 5. List the fandoms in which you'd like to remix
In the offer section, under Fandoms 1 - 4, check off up to four (4) fandoms (if you've got more than one) in which you would like to remix (you must list at least one (1) qualifying fandom in which you are eligible). (FYI, the form does not weight your desire, so we have no way of knowing which of the four you want most, so make sure you list four you really want to write in.)
Step 6. Optional Fandoms
You may use optional tags to offer fandoms which are not on the eligible fandoms list, but your offer MUST include one (1) qualifying fandom in which you are eligible. Again, listing optional fandoms is no guarantee that you will be matched on them.
Step 7. Submit
To submit your completed signup form, click the "Submit" button.
And, you're done!
You'll be able to edit it until signups have closed and the matching process begins. Your optional fandoms will not show on the participant list, but if you click "Show," you'll be able to see your entire signup.
Please comment here if you have any trouble with the signup form, and one of us will get back to you.