Title: Drunk and Disorderly (the Accidental Relationship Remix) Author: florahartSummary: On waking up together, Draco and Hermione realize the punch clouded their judgment. Soon thereafter, the consequences become clear
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*kinda loves this story to death* Dude, that is too awesome. Love Draco & Hermione fighting about every damn thing and eventually getting to a kind of compromise place. *cheers on Hermione dealing with the dunderhead*
I really liked this! The development in Draco's character was well done, and I liked how he and Hermione seemed to have reached a point of understanding at the end, but weren't all "OMG we're in love!"; the open-endedness there seemed right given everything that had come before. And the arguing grandparents, ha! (The glimpses of Hermione's mother were also nice.)
I'm not actually sure who this comment is from, since it's one of the remix LJs, but, yes, I couldn't really see them totally falling in looooove, but figured practically speaking, they might as well get along. The arguing grandparents belong to the original author, though. :D
*giggles* Loved this. I'm a sucker for Draco/Hermione, but it's always better with a touch of realism, and their compromises here were very in-character.
I actually really struggle to write them because they just. won't. shut. up. However, given the existing framework, which started post-sex, I found at least the constant talking could be arguing about the consequence, so that was easier. Heh.
Comments 12
You handle Draco's cluelessness v. well, and I love Hermione's no-nonsense approach to things.
Good job, remixer!
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