Title: Goodbyes (Strange, What is Still Here Remix)
rikoSummary: Harry doesn't even know how to start.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin
Rating: G
Disclaimer: Jo's for always.
Original story:
Goodbyes by
loony4lupin (
Goodbyes (Strange, What is Still Here Remix) )
Comments 16
I love that Harry tells him now, is honest with Teddy from the very start of their relationship and I love Harry. Awkward and beautiful and real and little.
"Oi," Harry says, prodding Teddy's hand a few more times, "stop that." He presses the pad of his finger into Teddy's palm, which achieves something at least when Teddy closes his hand around it and squeezes. Harry decides this is the best he's going to get and forges on. It's such a beautiful clip of the two of them.
a shocking woollen rainbow made by Mrs. Weasley I squeed just a little bit here.
Harry looks down at Teddy expectantly, although he is not entirely clear on what he is expecting. Teddy just gurgles and blinks up at Harry in return. He reaches out his tiny, saliva-shiny right hand and takes hold of Harry's thumb. His lips press together in a little frown that puckers his chin, turning it into a field of dents and dimples ( ... )
Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful original. It was a joy to work with!
Thank you for writing this story.
The last line especially got me. *sniffs* Also the line about Harry having lost more parents than most people ever have, really got me, too.
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