Title: Stitches and Scars (The Sewn Up Tight Remix)
luzdeestrellasFandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam Winchester/Dean Winchester
Rating: PG
Summary: "It's gonna scar," Dean says.
Sam says, "Yeah," like Dean's just said the sky is blue, or he really likes his car.
Original story:
Lines of Glory by
shay_renoylds ***
Stitches and Scars (The Sewn Up Tight Remix) )
Comments 26
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Also, I posted the story here: http://luzdeestrellas.livejournal.com/127673.html?#cutid1.
Thanks again!
On top of the banter, I really enjoyed your writing. It kept the same slowly building up pace, and it just felt very Dean while keeping the narrator as a separate entity. Seriously, it was great. My favorite part of the entire story was probably where Sam forces Dean to listen about Stanford, and the line about free verse poetry? One of my favorites. It was awesome, and fantastic annoyed!Sam. Great story!
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