I get these feelings and I'm trying to honour them more often these days. They hardly ever lie to me and I've avoided them since I sobered up in the spring of 1990. Now that I've moved onto a more diverse "recovery" it's a whole lot more fun.
I love music and I've been immersing myself in Canadian and locally Manatoban born music this winter. Rich Terfry at CBC radio 2 on his Drive program at 15:00 Central time is a big source of the energy in this direction. He's my man, my fave, he's the shit as they say.
I went to see the travelling Emm Gryner tonight. JP Hoe, a local boy started us off this evening. What a bomb he is. He's got that wonderful mixture of intelligence, self deprecation, wit, style and talent that is so very welcome after my long drive into the city.
Mmmm I'm hitting my stride.
Both Mighty and I are jacked up about the prospects of seeing him again. He was joyous and wasn't cheap in sharing the sweet vibes. I had a great time and can't wait to see him again. I'd definately go out of my way to enjoy his company again.
Very much to my liking. He's headed west. Three mp3s for download. He's posted the ones I want not throw aways. The closer I look the better I like J.P.. What's with the "richards" thing?
http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.ListAll&friendId=16249161 http://drop.io/jphoedownlo Password: trulyrichards