Title: The Impression
Author: remorsful-rain
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own Strek or Pern. PErn belongs to Todd and Anne McCafferey.
Summary: Lenerd wasn’t supposed to Impress in the first place! He was supposed to become a healer, and he was afraid of flying for Faranth’s sake!
There are most likely names that are incorrect, bear with me as I
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Comments 6
There's much much more to this. Around 22 pages so far and that's just scratching the surface.
Also I should be putting up a character page later today. It'll have a list of who's who and such.
I'm glad you liked it so much. :) This is still a rough draft it hasn't been beta'd yet and I wasn't expecting a response so quickly. :D
Thanks for the comment!
Netoth sounds absolutely adorable, and I'm eager to see how him and L'nerd's bond grow.
I'm not sure if the way you spell character's name are accidental or on purpose. Leonard= Lenerd? When I first read Lenerd or L'nerd, I read it as "Lee-nerd". XD
Is Mgena suppose to be M'Benga? ^_^;; Just a few things that may need clarification. There were a few spelling mistakes too, but nothing terrible. Spellcheck and a beta might help with that. :3
Anyway, this fic sounds truly epic and amazing. I'm a huge huge fan of Dragonrider of Pern (have been for years), so seeing my newest favorite fandom (Star Trek), meet with DRoP makes me squeal like a fangirl inside.
Can't wait for more!! (and more of Dragon's keeper too! <3 )
Yes and this fic deffinitly needs to be beta'd but mine is currently busy and plus I'm not going to post this to any comms just yet. So basically it's still a rough draft.
Thank for the comment!! I enjoy writing this sort of stuff and I'm glad you like reading it! :D
anyway, keep up the great work! 8D I shall be stalking you for more updates X3
This was a good beginning and I really love how his character came through here. The complete refusal to believe he could impress and well, how could he not after that? I find it amusing you chose to make him a dragonrider though. I'm pretty sure we're in for some interesting times here.
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