Title: Untitled, as of yet.
Author: AidaApple
Rating: PG, at the moment
Pairing: RemusHermione.
Disclaimer: I honestly do not own Harry Potter, I just use and abuse the characters.
A/N - I've been a lurker of this community, and a reader of this pairing for a little while now, but I've only just turned my hand to writing it. It's such a shame that there
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Comments 9
But yeah - nice! Very nice, in fact. I like the premise, the fact that Harry and Ron aren't really in it, the setting, it has a nice atmosphere. I love the chivalry line. Even though I'm not usually one for time-turner fics, I like this. It isn't at Hogwarts, which I think makes it easier for me.
As I was saying above, there was an exchange, check out the masterlist here: http://community.livejournal.com/rlhg_exchange/
You might find some stuff that you like, including a short fic by yours truly. Other than that, if you're looking for a beta drop me a line, I'm PI accredited and everything, always looking out for RLHG fics!
Just one little problem though; I'm not exactly eighteen. And I won't be for a few... years. I may just have to log out and leave some comments as an anonymous viewer because I really do want to see them. ~cough~ I'll just skim over whatever "mature" parts there are.
I do like Time Turner fics (though I'm sure that's obvious), but the whole school thing is way overdone, tired and boring. I'm glad you find it okay, even though they don't really appeal to you.
Thanks for the offer of the beta as well. I may have to take you up on that some time. ;)
So anyway, as the organiser of the thing I give you permission to read. I'm not one who can condemn.
This is a really nice start! And it's a rough draft? Could have fooled me! It's written very well, and I like your attention to the small details. It seemed very real to me.
Welcome to the fandom! I look forward to reading more from you!
I have a bit of a problem with comma splicing and things, but thank you! I half expected to be ripped to pieces. :)
(And you all have Remus, or HermioneRemus icons. I need to get me some.)
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